Roger Ailes, the ex Chairman and CEO of Foxnews, strategized presidential compaigns that prevailed. He engineered presidencies, which changed courses of the U.S. What makes a real creator, a successful businessman, maker of the U.S. presidents? How did a young media executive from Ohio use his wit, instinct and unmatched ability in packaging a presidential candidate who otherwise was losing and would have little chance of winning like Richard Nixon? Or later on turning around Ronald Reagan's challenged presidential campaign? How did he understand and connect with regular America... |
长沙男子因太能吃被自助餐厅拉黑![]() 11月17日,“长沙一男子因太能吃被自助餐厅拉黑”一事经媒体报道后引发热议。对此,有网友指责店家“玩不起”,也有网友调侃称,去了几次都这样吃,商家确实有些“吃不消”。18日上午,涉事门店工作人员对记者称,目前餐饮行业不容易,很担忧因此事导致闭店。律师认为,一般情况下商家是可以拒绝消费者消费的,但理由必须合情合理,不得歧视个别消费者。 男子因太能吃被自助餐厅“拉黑” 据11月17日报道,前几天,顾客康先生拿着团购券到长沙一自助餐厅消费时,遭到了工作人员拒绝。康先生称, |
![]() It is helpful to start with what Asian Americans care most. There are certain fundamental values which should appeal to voters regardless their ethinicity or party affiliation. Asian Americans in general and Chinese Americans in particular put a premium on children's education. They want their kids to be the best and brightest, to be able to compete on the world stage with kids not only in Europe and the Americas but also kids in Taiwan, Kong Kong and China. They want their children to be able... |
Tesla has again increased the price of the Model Y in the US, making it the eighth time this year. It is coming as new incentives are expected.![]() Tesla prices have increased widely across the entire lineup in 2021. Last month alone, there were two significant price increases on Model 3 and Model Y. In November, Tesla started the month with another significant price increase across the lineup. Now just a week later, the automaker is again increasing prices, but this time it’s only for the Model Y.... |
美国职业篮球 NBA 波士顿 Celtics 队中锋坎特 (Enes Kanter) 再度发推文批评中共,![]() 坎特说台湾是民主自由国家, 永远不会向邪恶的中共投降。 坎特推文表示:‘台湾永远不会向邪恶的中国共产党投降。台湾是民主且自由的国家。’ 并附上题为‘与台湾同在’(#StandWithTaiwan)的推特标签。 他还说:“台湾的未來必須由台湾人民決定。台湾不是中国的一部分,永远都不会是!” 他附上题为#IslandOfResilience 及#FreedomShoes的推特标签。 坎特随文附上了多張球鞋照片,這些鞋上有台湾地图、中華民國国旗图片,並且写有“民主、自由”、“与台湾同在”及 “台湾属于台湾人民” 等字样。 ![]() 之前,坎特曾在推特上譴責中國對待維吾爾族等穆斯林少數民族的人權紀錄,並且痛批中国国家主席习近平是 “残暴的独裁者”。 ... |
![]() 在阿富汗混乱撤军之后,南部边境危机不断, 油价和日用品通货膨胀日趋严重,犯罪率高企不下, 拜登总统的支持率一直在下降,各家民調均显示下滑。一直比较亲民主黨的《USA Today 今日美國報》7日發布最新民調顯示,拜登支持率只剩37.8% ,而不支持度高达59%,同時近2/3美國人不希望拜登2024年尋求連任;副總統賀錦麗 Kamala Harris的滿意度更慘,肯定她的人只有27.8%。 今日美國報/薩福克大學民調(USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll)在3日至5日對1000名註冊選民進行,誤差幅度為3.1個百分點。該民調也顯示2022年期中選舉恐變天:如果今天國 |
Tesla has increased its pricing for Model 3 and Model Y vehicles across the board, making it the second price increase in the year. Tesla's cheapest vehicle price has now increased over 20% this year alone.![]() The entry level Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus has increased from $43,990 to $44,990. The cheapest Model Y with today’s online configurator update increased to $57,990. Tesla Model Y Long Range Dual Motor: price went from $56,99 to $57,990Tesla Model Y Performance: price went from $61,9... |
共和党在Nassau郡的竞选中获胜,是该党近20年来第一次全面控制纳苏郡的领导权。 共和党的竞选人也在Suffolk郡同时获胜。 在Virginia州共和党人 Glenn Youngkin 成功竞选州长的同时, NY州长岛的政治气氛也在朝着共和党的方向转变。 纽约州民主党推出的保释金修改案导致了民众反弹,引起了民众对于人身安全和有效执法的担忧, 在11月2日的选举日中共和党的竞选人获胜, 席卷了纽约长岛Nassau 和 Suffolk 两郡。 在纽约的Nassau郡, 职业地方检察官, 共和党的Anne Donnelly成功击败了民主党的州参议员 Todd Kaminsky。 身为民主党 |