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«January 2025»
11/12/2021 2:36:00 PM [车辆-E.V.] 分享


Tesla has again increased the price of the Model Y in the US, making it the eighth time this year. It is coming as new incentives are expected.

Tesla prices have increased widely across the entire lineup in 2021. Last month
alone, there were two significant price increases on Model 3 and Model Y. In November, Tesla started the month with another significant price increase across the lineup. Now just a week later, the automaker is again increasing prices, but
this time it’s only for the Model Y.

Tesla Model Y prices

With the very frequent price increases this year, Tesla would generally apply
them to both Model 3 and Model Y, which share lots of parts and the automaker blamed price increases on supply chain costs. However, in this price increase revealed through another overnight configurator update, Tesla only appears to be increasing the price of the Model Y.

Both trims have received a $1,000 price increase. The updated prices for all versions of the Model Y are:

Tesla Model Y Long Range Dual Motor: price went from $57,990 to $58,990

Tesla Model Y Performance: price went from $62,990 to $63,990

Here’s what Tesla’s Model Y configurator looks like after the overnight update:

While $1,000 might not be much relative to the total price, it is more about the accumulation of the smaller price increases throughout the year.

Early in 2021, Tesla was selling the Model Y Long Range for just $50,000. It is
now $9,000 more expensive.

New EV incentive in the US

The recent price increases have come as Tesla buyers are expected to soon
regain access to the federal EV incentive.

The pending Build Back Better Act should give Tesla buyers $7,500 in tax credit.


11/14/2021 8:39:00 PM [新闻时事] 分享


It is helpful to start with what Asian Americans care most. There are certain fundamental values which should appeal to voters regardless their ethinicity or party affiliation.  

Asian Americans in general and Chinese Americans in particular put a premium on children's education. They want their kids to be the best and brightest, to be able to compete on the world stage with kids not only in Europe and the Americas but also kids in Taiwan, Kong Kong and China. They want their children to be able to enroll in the Gifted and Talented Program in New York City if the kids' grades are good enough. After all, it is every Asian American family's dream that their kid can get into a reputable college and get prepared for success in a changing and competitive modern society. 

So we need to ask the question, does your candidate support such parents' choice in children's education? Or does the candidate promote teaching Critical Race Theory at schools? 

Asian Americans value public safety in their area, especially after the incidents where Asians were attacked in New York City. Regardless of race, every family wants to have safety, especially for women and children.

Crime not only harms people's safety and state of mind, but also their property values. Safe residential areas with low crime rates tend to increase in value whereas properties in crime-ridden areas tend to lag in appreciation. Chinese Americans are known to be buyers of premium  properties. They certainly hope to see their investments not to be reduced in value because of crimes. 

Is your political candidate pro-police? Is she or he tough on crime? Does your candidate want to defund the police while using private security for herself? Does the candidate want to have loose bail for criminal defendants?

For those Asian Americans with prior experience in a country of dictatorship or an once-free-city-turned-into-dictatorship like Hong Kong, individual freedom and the right of free expression in the U.S. are so precious because they actually lived in an environment where they were deprived of such freedom and rights. These people know what it is like being censored and not being able to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions. Some feel the pain of the loss of private property or being incarcerated because they simply wanted free elections of local officials. They know the misery of not being able to elect representatives who stand for their interests but having to cope with corrupt local officials who behave like bandits.

They treasure the freedom America provides, free speech and the opportunity to make a living with dignity and to pursue their happiness without a party-controlled police monitoring every movement. 

The above are some fundamental values that are dear to many Asia Americans. If a political candidate is a true believer in these values (not a fake), then she or he will have a large chance of winning Asian Americans. It is also time for those apolitical Asians to realize exercising their rights to participate in local elections can affect not only their lives, but their children's as well. It is time to act and select their own political representatives. 



11/10/2021 6:09:00 PM [新闻时事] 分享


美国职业篮球 NBA 波士顿 Celtics 队中锋坎特 (Enes Kanter) 再度发推文批评中共,

坎特说台湾是民主自由国家, 永远不会向邪恶的中共投降。 

坎特推文表示:‘台湾永远不会向邪恶的中国共产党投降。台湾是民主且自由的国家。’  并附上题为‘与台湾同在’(#StandWithTaiwan)的推特标签。

他还说:“台湾的未來必須由台湾人民決定。台湾不是中国的一部分,永远都不会是!” 他附上题为#IslandOfResilience 及#FreedomShoes的推特标签。

坎特随文附上了多張球鞋照片,這些鞋上有台湾地图、中華民國国旗图片,並且写有“民主、自由”、“与台湾同在”及 “台湾属于台湾人民” 等字样。

之前,坎特曾在推特上譴責中國對待維吾爾族等穆斯林少數民族的人權紀錄,並且痛批中国国家主席习近平是 “残暴的独裁者”。



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