布鲁斯·鲍文退役了。纳什们、科比们奔走相告、把酒言欢,共同庆祝他们脚踝上的那根“毒刺”终于被拔掉了。这个留着小胡子并且满脸堆满朴素的光头,在他转身背对整个联盟的时候,一定在心中默念着:“哥大不了就遗臭万年呗。”不过那些遭遇过他黑手的人,在庆祝完后,还是很客气地承认了鲍文其实是一个真正的防守大师。当然曾经和鲍文穿着同一战袍的邓肯和帕克会非常怀念这个队友,怀念他死磕对方箭头人物的英勇,怀念他底角三分出手的冷血,怀念他们曾经共同拿下的三个总冠军。 提到联盟中的“96一代”,人们总是滔滔不绝地谈论着阿伦·艾弗森、科比·布莱恩特、雷·阿伦、斯蒂夫·纳什、杰梅因·奥尼尔、佩贾·斯托亚科维奇这几个大名鼎鼎的名字。如果对NBA了解地更多一点,也许还能记起马库斯 阅读全文>> |
正在火热进行中的第66届威尼斯电影节(66th Annual Venice Film Festival)授予了皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)“五大元老”约翰·拉塞特(John Lasseter) 、布拉德·伯德( Brad Bird)、彼得·道科特(Peter Doctor)、安德鲁·斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)、李·安克里奇(Lee Unkrich)终身成就奖(Golden Lion for lifeachievement) 。而作为对影迷朋友的回报,皮克斯在颁奖仪式上为大家呈现了从未曝光的《玩具总动员3》(Toy Story 3)开场片段,根据国外网站的一些描述,我们已经可以知道《玩具总动员3》的剧情走向,那就是胡迪的玩具大拯救! 片段描述: 安迪(Andy)已经长大成人,正准备离家前往大学,展开新的生活。他的妈妈叫他收拾一下自己房间里的东西,需要留下的放到阁楼上,不需要的也装起来作为垃圾处理掉。牛仔胡迪(Woody)依然是安迪的最爱,安迪将胡迪收进自己的行李包,让胡迪跟随自己去大学校园。放好胡迪后,安迪用一个黑色的袋子收起了他房间里的所有玩具,正准备顺着楼梯爬到阁楼,把这些玩具“珍藏”起来。就在这时安迪的妹妹出现了,于是安迪于是丢下 |
The fact that students
being on the rise spent their time playing computer games such as
CS has aroused great concern and should be given enough
consideration .It is imperative to prevent them from indulging in
computer games . To account for the above-mentioned case ,several effects arisen from computer games should be put forward .To begin with ,taking to computer games too much impair players'health especially eyes .In addition ,the growing number of students neglect their studies ,idle away their time and even commit crimes thands to computer games which are full of violence .No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example as mentioned below ,a student ,who had wanted to play computer games but had little money ,made a reckless move to waylay and rob .Computer games ,in some senes ,are just like Pandora's Box,which gives rise to some undesirable results unexpectedly .Therefore ,no issue is as crucial to individual and national survival and pro...阅读全文>> |
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