QQ 1264137527 On Business Translation Compensation 1. Introduction 1 2. Problems aroused by different cultural backgrounds 2 2.1 Definition of culture 3 2.2The zero of equivalent word 3 2.3 Cultural difference and business translation 4 2.4 Interpretation of cultural difference in business translation 5 3. Translation 9 3.1 Theory of translation 9 3.2 Definition of translation 9 3.3 Principle of translation 10 4. Business translation compensation 11 4.1 Outward compensation 12 4.2 Inward compensation 14 4.3 Naturalization 17 5. Conclusion 19 References 20 1. Introduction Sociolinguistics and Ethnology study shows that language is a kind of culture activity, a cultural mirror, which reflects all kinds of meanings of culture; however, Culture is a dynamic, multidimensional, complex, and all-pervasive phenomenon. It is clear that there is no shortage in existence of definitions of this concept. But we should also keep in mind that the key part of culture at the base of the iceberg that is deeply rooted in a nation’s tradition and ideology resisting to any changes. It’s this kind of relative stability of the core aspect of culture that makes each culture unique, and that makes it possible to discuss the varieties of culture. Different value orientations exert great impact on communication. Cultural differences are absolutely and universally existed. Any contacts 阅读全文>> |
房屋基本上可谓个人最大投资,如何使房屋税收抵免最大化?对于符合条件的房主,以下提示可助你全面获得2009纳税年度税收抵免: <B> 分项报税之优惠 国税局(IRS)新发布了又一个新表“Schedule L”,允许不使用“Schedule A”报税的房主,用“Schedule L”报税时分项填报,以获得减免房地产税和某些与房屋相关的灾害损失。据估计使用分项报税表“Schedule L”可以多为已婚联合报税的纳税人提供$1,000左右的抵免额(单身和已婚单独申报者提高$500元)。 国税局统计数字显示:只有约三分之一的申报者采用分项报税。对未分项报税者通常采取标准减免额。2009年已婚夫妇联合报税的标准减免额为$11,400元(分别报税的是$5,700元/人)。 另外,联邦政府宣布的灾害损失也可计入标准减免额。受灾房主要先填写“4684表”确定灾害损失净值,再将其填报在“Schedule L”上,以确定新的标准减免额。除联邦政府官方确认的灾害损失外,其他普通损失不能计入标准减免额。 <B> 按揭贷款相关之优惠 与按揭贷款有关的贷款利息、贷款手续费及贷款保险费均可计入减免额。 贷款利息:(1)用于支付主要住宅和第二套住宅的按揭贷款利息,减免前提是 |
提示:1.本博所点评的个股不作为买卖建议,据此操作风险自担 2.如果你喜欢本博,别忘了“顶一顶”,并予收藏 进入2009年以来,由于复苏因素和国内加大有色金属收储力度等的刺激下有色金属板块一改颓势,有色金属个股开始飙升。半年内有色金属板块涨幅为122.95%,远远超越大盘,而且板块一年来的涨幅也超越大盘16.65个百分点,表明曾经的龙头有色金属板块并没有没落。本周有色金属板块涨幅达到8.51%,跑赢大盘涨幅的同时也一举突破前期盘整的平台,这与去年11月初到今年1月的盘整态势极为相似,同样是市场对于有色金属充满忧虑的时期,但有色金属板块在2月初便突破平台,启动了连续2个月的主升浪。 金属价格和A股有色板块有望在忧虑中继续攀升,虽然3季度是消费淡季及中国收储结束,复产等压力显著增加,然而市场受益于经济复苏预期、美元贬值以及对通胀担忧的支撑,三季度有色板块有望继续保持强势,而新一波的上涨行情有可能再次到来。同时按照GDP“保8”的预期,下半年存在冲刺要求。出口、投资、消费三者中,投资历来都是政策驱动的首选。基本金属需求可望因此而被显著拉动,今夏的淡 |
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