太棒了,明天又是周末我又能看到我最喜欢的NBA赛场而且明天CCTV5有2场比赛分别是:9点半火箭VS马刺和12点05的篮网VS勇士。这二场是我最喜欢的二场因为火箭队有姚明,篮网队有易建联。虽然姚明本赛季不能打但还有阿联呢。幸运的是后天星期日也是篮网的比赛,二天能看到二场篮网的比赛太过瘾了。希望明天的比赛火箭和篮网能赢 阅读全文>> |
想了解更多,请前往</SPAN>5198</SPAN>母婴官方网站:www.5198china.com </SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 传统上产妇的保养有许多的误区,</SPAN>5198</SPAN>母婴总结了几个保养上的误区,供您参考:</SPAN> </SPAN> 误区一:菜越淡越好(甚至不放盐)</SPAN> 在产妇产后的前几天,饭菜内一点盐也不放。事实上,这样做只会适得其反,略吃些盐对产妇是有易处的。由于产后出汗较多,乳腺分泌旺盛,产妇体内容易缺水和盐,因此应适量补充盐分。</SPAN> </SPAN> 误区二:多吃鸡蛋(几乎是全天鸡蛋大餐)</SPAN> 鸡蛋的营养丰富,也容易消化,适合产妇食用,但并不是吃得越多就越好。有些产妇一天吃一二十个,不但吸收不了,还会影响对其它食物的摄取,因此一般产后每天吃两三个鸡蛋就足矣了。</SPAN> </SPAN> 误区三:忌口(只吃小米粥加鸡蛋)</SPAN> 不准产妇吃诸如牛羊肉、鱼虾类和其它腥膻之物,只吃小米粥加鸡蛋等一两样食物。其实,产后需要充足 |
Name: Faz (Zhiyi) Wang</SPAN>
Date: 9.1.2009
</SPAN> Word Count: 531</SPAN> Question:</SPAN> Some people believe that group sports such as football or hockey are too competitive and encourage the worst side of human behavior. They should be replaced by non-competitive exercise-based activities like jogging and swimming that also keep us fit. What do you think?</SPAN> </SPAN> Sports events are never filing to attract our eyes in the contemporary society. It is acceptable that sports events can bring people together, no matter their origin, background, religious beliefs or economic status. Yet, there always appear news reports of injuries and violence because of competitive sports. Competitive sports, like the World Cup (FIFA World Cup 2009 [online]), are also to blame for giving rise to cultural imperialism and tensions between nations.</SPAN> Some people are in favor of competitive sports for several reasons. To...阅读全文>> |
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