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«January 2025»
1/22/2010 7:22:00 AM [体育运动] 分享


Name: Faz (Zhiyi) Wang</SPAN> Date: 9.1.2009 </SPAN>
Word Count: 531</SPAN>
Some people believe that group sports such as football or hockey are too competitive and encourage the worst side of human behavior. They should be replaced by non-competitive exercise-based activities like jogging and swimming that also keep us fit. What do you think?</SPAN>
Sports events are never filing to attract our eyes in the contemporary society. It is acceptable that sports events can bring people together, no matter their origin, background, religious beliefs or economic status. Yet, there always appear news reports of injuries and violence because of competitive sports. Competitive sports, like the World Cup (FIFA World Cup 2009 [online]), are also to blame for giving rise to cultural imperialism and tensions between nations.</SPAN>
Some people are in favor of competitive sports for several reasons. To begin with, it is apparent that competitive sports could enhance keep understanding across many places of race, culture and gender. A suitable example is the 2004 Athens Olympic Games (International Olympic Committee 2009 [online]): South and North Korea participated together that they did the opening ceremony as one nation, and received the acclaim of the world's people; thus, this game became a great event for South-North communication. In addition, competitive awareness, team-work, and acceptance of failure are in this sense. It is important medium for the connections among different civilizations and values. Most importantly, sports have a key role to play in the endeavor to keep world peace and show patriotic emotions.</SPAN>
 </SPAN>However, we shall not lose sight of negative impacts caused by competitive sport. For one thing, international competitive sporting events always easily lead to casualties and violence. According to PRCNBS (People’s Republic of China National Bureau of Statistics) the number of casualties caused by competitive sporting violence and its incidents in China during whole 2008 (PRC National Bureau of Statistics 2008 [online]) is greater than the number of casualties caused by typhoon. For another thing, competitive sports events also lead to a conflict between nations of the world as well as characteristics of the conflict between the strong-sporting and poor-sporting countries.</SPAN>
Today, competitive sports have developed globally and bring enjoyment and enrichment to the lives of billions of people. So, it is important that we seek ways by which competitive sports can contribute to the achievement of peace for the entire world’s people. I feel amazed that sport creates good relationship between the nations. Mostly all the sports at present are competitive. Players desire to win, and the game means nothing unless he (or her) has an aim of win. The ground in the countryside, then it may be purely for entertainment of exercise and games. If the match relates to honor, if you think you and your group would be shame when you lose, then the most human brutal nature of the struggle will inspire them. Ev  阅读全文>>


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1/22/2010 8:55:00 AM [体育运动] 分享




1/22/2010 3:57:00 AM [体育运动] 分享




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