蓝宝石拥有低调的色彩、不张扬的光泽,但是,那一抹蓝里却有着幽深的魅力、富于质感的张力,透过它的光芒,你能看见的是一种难得的智慧。 作为护身符的“命运之石” 太阳神的“天国圣石” |
09秋冬 Folli Follie 创造了一个迷人有趣、轻松愉快的魅力舞台,用蕾丝的花边,圆润的花朵图案和性感的红唇诠释了自由与欢乐的精神。All that Jazz 系列深受20和30年代爵士风尚的影响,融汇了装饰派艺术和盛装打扮的舞台效果。 Folli Follie 的 All that Jazz 系列的设计概念是以简约的方式展示线条、色彩和材质,然后加以延伸,如同爵士乐艺术家们的即兴表演,每款产品在经典的暗色调与暖色调里都可以奏出完整的故事情节。 多层链吊坠项链 从萨克斯风、高跟鞋、甜美的红唇到怦怦跳的红心,所有的欢快的元素都无拘无束地集合在一起,传达出一个灵感喷涌的创意探索与新乐观主义的旋律时代。 镶水晶吊坠手镯 头像吊坠耳环 双层链多吊坠项链 多层链红唇吊坠项链 多层链红唇吊坠项链
1.Do you have a family?你有孩子吗? 2.It's a good father thatknows his son。就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。 3.I have no opinion ofthat sort of man。我对这类人很反感。 4.He put 5 dollars intomy hand,"you have been a great mantoday."他把5美圆塞到我手上说:“你今天表现得很好。” 5.I was the youngest son,and the youngest but two。我是最小的儿子,但我还有两个妹妹。 6.The picture flatteredher。她比较上照。 7.The country notagreeing with her, she returned toEngland。她在那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国。 8.He is a walkingskeleton。他很瘦。 9.The machine is in goodrepair。机器已经修好了。 10.He allowed the fatherto be overruled by the judge, and declared his own songuilty。他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。 11.You don't know whatyou are talking about。你在胡说八道。 12.You don't begin tounderstand what they mean。你根本不知道他们在干嘛。 (not begin to:毫不) 13.They didn't praise himslightly。他们大大地表扬了他。 14.That's all I want tohear。我已经听够了。 15.I wish I could bringyou to see my point。你要我怎么说你才能明白呢。 16.You really flatterme。你让我受宠若惊。 17.He made a greatdifference。有他没他结果完全不一样。 18.You cannot give himtoo much money。你给他再多的钱也不算多。 19.The long exhaustingtrip proved too much。这次旅行旷日持久,我们都累倒了。 20.You look darker afterthe holiday。你看上去更健康了。 21.As luck would have it,he was caught by the teacher again。不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 22.She held the littleboy by the right hand。她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里"by"与"with"动作主语完全相反) 23.Are you there?等于句型:Doyou follow me? 24.If you think he is agood man, think again。如果你认为他是好人,那你就大错特错了。 25.She has blueeyes。她长着双蓝眼睛。 26.That took his breathaway。他大惊失色。 27.Two is company butthree is none。两人成伴,三人不欢。 28.The elevator girlreads between passengers。开电梯的姑娘在没有乘客时看书。 "between"="without":相同用法:She modeled betweenroles。译成:她不演戏时去客串下模特。 29.Students are stillarriving。学生还没有到齐。 30.I must not stay hereand do nothing。我不能什么都不做待在这儿。 31.They went away as wiseas they came。他们一无所获。 32.I won't do it to savemy life。我死也不会做。 33.Nonsense, I don'tthink his painting is any better thanyours。胡说,我认为他的画比你好不到哪去。 34.Traditionally, Italianpresidents have been seen and not heard。从传统上看,意大利总统有名无权。 35.Better late than thelate。晚了总比完了好/迟到总比丧命好。 36.You don't want to dothat。你不应该去做。 37.My grandfather isnearly 90 and in his secondchildhood。我祖父快90岁了,什么事都需要别人来做。 38.Work once and worktwice。一次得手,再次不愁。 39.Rubber easily givesway to pressure。橡胶很容易变形。 40.If my mother had knownof it she'd have died a second time。要是我妈妈知道了,她会从棺材里爬起来。 |
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