More power, great design and a sporty heart: NOVITEC
presents the exclusive tuning program for the Alfa Romeo MiTo.
Engine tuning for the two Diesel models and the gasoline-powered
1.4 TB model is complemented by a strikingly styled
aerodynamic-enhancement package. The latter comes with a general
operating certificate, eliminating the need for individual
technical inspections. Also available from NOVITEC are 18-inch
wheels and a height-adjustable coil-over suspension.</STRONG> NOVITEC POWERJET 2 is the name of the recipe that increases power output of the MiTo with 1.4-liter turbocharged gasoline engine by 31 hp / 23 kW. Peak torque grows by 30 Nm. The plug-and-play auxiliary control unit can be installed in less than five minutes. The tuned MiTo produces 186 hp / 137 kW and is even more agile: With a sprint time of 7.4 seconds from rest to 100 km/h the tuned 1.4 TB bests its production counterpart by about 0.7 seconds. Sophisticated NOVITEC power tuning is also available for the two turbodiesel models. The easy-to-install NOVITEC POWERRAIL 5 module boosts power output of the 1.3 JTD model from standard 90 hp / 66 kW to 110 hp / 81 kW. The same auxiliary control module when installed in the MiTo 1.6 JTD produces an additional 24 hp / 17.7 kW. The tuning module also markedly increases peak torque by some 50 Nm. NOVITEC adds further sporty highlights with an aerodynamic-enhancement kit for the smallest Alfa Romeo model. The body kit comes with a general operating certificate which eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming individual technical inspections. The front of the MiTo receives a striking facelift with spoiler corners left and right plus a centrally mounted cup spoiler. NOVITEC rocker panels give the compact car an even 阅读全文>> |
[核心提示]</SPAN>邓小平1979年探访黄山观瀑楼时大谈“旅游生意经”。回首中国旅游业发展历程,改革开放的总设计师邓小平“让一部分人先富起来”的声音犹在耳边。</SPAN></SPAN> 从计划经济时代走向市场经济时代,中国的改革开放之路已经走过了坎坷的30年。与最初小规模的差旅和公务活动相比,中国人不仅开放了国门,更走向了世界。中新网近日刊载了魏恒关于重温邓小平“旅游生意经”的这篇文章。</SPAN></SPAN> 1979年7月,75岁高龄的邓小平登临黄山</SPAN> 到黄山,除了观赏奇松、怪石、云海、日出,还应看看观瀑楼。 1979年7月11日上午,时任安徽省委书记的万里在皖南迎来了前来黄山视察工作的邓小平。当日中午,邓小平下榻观瀑楼。次日,时年75岁、历经“三起三落”仍壮心不已的邓小平徒步登上玉屏楼。13日,从玉屏楼前往北海,15日 |
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