)</STRONG> Learning English</STRONG> 怎样学好英文</STRONG> Now before I start, I’d like to say that this article is not one of those one-shot magic potions (as you might think) that can turn you from a complete novice to mastering English by the time you finish reading. In fact this article doesn’t even come close. I’m writing this because many of my readers are curious of my English abilities and wonder constantly how I managed to achieve this degree of accomplishment in my second language. This article would not perhaps answer all of your questions, but if it could inspire any of you to put more effort into learning English then this article has achieved its goal. 在我开始之前,想先说明一下,这篇文章并不是学习英文的灵丹妙药。看完这篇文章并不会把你从一个英文盲立刻变成一个老外。这篇文章的目的不是为了教英文,而是回答你们读者可能有的有关学英文的问题。有很多人都想从我这里知道,我的英文是如何学到这个地步的。这篇文章可能无法回答你们所有点问题,但如果能鼓励你们学英文的话,那么这篇文章就达到了它的目的。 When I first came to New Zealand, one of the hardest things I have anticipated that I had to go through was to memorize individual English phrases and try pronouncing them correctly. I was wrong. The hardest thing to do was in fact to stop speaking Chinese and try speaking English. My family had to rent a home and the owner of the house and her family was Chinese and of course it was placed right into an Asian environment where really there was little chance of me getting in contact in the locals because we didn’t even know our way. 我在来新西兰之前,想像着到新西兰来我要克服的最大难题是什么。我一直以为是背单词、背语法和如何把一个单词念好。事实上最大的困难是不讲中文多讲英文。我们一家刚来这里的时候是租房子,房东是一个广东人,结果还是没有跟任何老外讲英文,直接栽到了中国人圈子里。 Perhaps this would provide a better example of the state I was in back then. In chemistry, potassium is stored in glass jars filled with paraffin oil because once it gets in contact with air it combusts and would burn fiercely. Just imagine you are that hunk of potassium and that the air is the English-speaking society all around you and the paraffin oil is the symbol for the various blockades that you have to go through. In order for the potassium to start burning you have to burn through it with a Bunsen burner (which you probably already worked out denotes your English teachers, your friends and 阅读全文>> |
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世间万物总是对立的 社会也是不平等的 任何东西都有它的反面,包括人 贫穷与富有 美丽与丑陋 善良与凶恶 权利与义务 ...... 然而情感却是平等的 每个人都有爱与被爱的权利 明星也是如此 只是我觉得明星们的爱情更加脆弱 我 站在娱乐圈外远远地关注 圈内的一切深深的吸引着我 或许是我太八卦了吧 又或许是我太想探究人的心理了 总之,不管什么样的理由都好 呵~ 古人说:耳听为虚,眼见为实 在如今 眼睛看到的也未必是真实的 Stars在荣誉的光环下 总是将最真实的自己隐藏得很好 尽可能的把最完美的一面呈现在大众面前 就像戴着华丽的面具一样 人的欲望是可怕的 因为它永远也无法得到满足 金钱、名誉、权利等犹如罂粟般妖娆 世人怎能抵得过这样的诱惑 最原始的欲望是生存 接着是想要在生存的基础上过得更舒适一点 然后又想......富裕、奢华、声望、青春...... 最后只怕是想要永生不死了 我想Stars的内心里最想要的应该是自由吧 |
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