推荐:高卡爾利大波 参考:洛斯查蘭特大波,龐馬普卡納细波(由于电台节目的关系,已经开始10分钟) 夜间不断更新。 由于最近小弟较忙,慎重起见,推荐甚少,敬请见谅!</STRONG> </STRONG> 最新资讯源源不断,欧洲来料唯一出口,莫探员欧洲来料的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/detectivemok</STRONG> 丹麥超 22:00 洛斯查蘭特 - 蘭達斯 两队都有相同特点,喜欢进攻足球,有前无后,后防漏洞频频。洛斯查兰特主场成绩2-3-5 9:16 打了10场,有5场开大,兰达斯作客成绩就3-5-3 18:15,打了11场7场开大。而过去双方的历史交锋中也往往大手笔交收,尤其是在洛斯查兰特的主场,法林体育球场。 欧洲前线传来的动态,洛斯查兰特的队长 尼古拉史托豪缺阵。而兰达斯有主力后卫伊沙艾文笃定缺阵,他的好拍档罗拔艾祖美耶因伤上阵成疑。 但兰达斯的前锋 力加特 今季进了10球,现在处于联赛神射手榜的NO.2,另一前锋 苏连保今季打入了7球,此两人皆可上阵。 而主队的洛斯查兰特由哥本哈根租借回来的前锋荷西祖连奴马上能够融入球队,5次上阵取得3个入球,同样不少得队中的有力前锋马田宾保。毕竟主队冬歇期间大进补,主要就是针对整个攻击体系,因此,是时候发力。 在这里要告诉球迷,影响一场赛事的因素有好多,除了刚才说的,球场内的因素之外,还有球场外等因素,其中,我要告诉球迷的就系天气因素,自冬歇后,差不多有2个月时间,在北欧现时的天气已开始好转,加上联赛又进入白热化阶段,排名前列的球队,为欧洲争“崩”头,排名榜末的球队为保组而打“崩”头,因此大波频频,波涛汹涌。 2009-04-10 FC Nordsjælland - Randers FC by: ValuePunter (07-04-2009 17:32 CET) Both teams have quite acceptabel offensive qualities, while their defensive qualities are questionable. FCN home: 2-3-5 9:16 (5/10 have ended over 2.5 goals) Randers away: 3-5-3 18:15 (7/11 have ended over 2.5 goals) 4/5 of their last meetings have ended over 2.5 goals. 4/5 of their last meetings at Farum Park, have ended over 2.5 goals. FCN will have to do without their captain, Nikolai Stokholm. Randers will miss the regular defender, Issah Ahmed. Another defender, Robert Arzumanyan, is very doubtfull. Randers have Marc Nygaard(10 goals) whos is the 2nd most scoring player this far, in the league. Also Søren Berg(7 goals) is often on the scoresheet. FCN have loaned Jose Junior form FC Copenhagen and he has got a very good start at FCN. He has scored 3 goals in 5 matches. Also Martin Bernburg is a capable striker. It looks like over 2.5, all the way, if you ask me. Pick: >2.5, Odds: 1.90, Stake: 6, Bookmaker: 10bet 2009-04-10 FC Nordsjælland - Randers by: Vejby (08-04-2009 18:00 CET) I think we will potentially see alot of overs in the upcomming rounds in the league. Many teams are fighting hard in both top and bottom, the weather is improving and the teams are beginning to find their form again after a months-long winter break. Nordsjælland might not at first glance look like a good over option. Only 9 goals scored in 10 home games. But these statistics just prove how much Nordsjælland need to score goals! Great and innovative offensive play is this team's trademark, and they usually score tons of goals. Last season they bagged 29 goals in 17 home games even though they finished near the bottom of the table! In their 2 recent home games they have only scored 1 goal... Therefore this game against Randers is crucial for their identity as an offensive team. I can almost guarantee you that they will be extremely offensive in this match. The most important thing is not the win, it's scoring goals! Randers are doing well this season and are mutch better in offence than in defence. They should be able to score at least 1 goal here. See ValuePunter's excellent analysis by the way... I just wanted to add the psychological importance of this game for Nordsjælland. Pick: >2.5, Odds: 1.84, Stake: 7, Bookmaker: Betsafe 瑞典超 21:00 龐馬普卡納 - 赫根 2009-04-10 BP - Häcken(0:0) AH by: dogge (09-04-2009 01:17 CET) Brommapojkarna went to Trelleborg in the starting game of the season to try to get a point. Everything went according to their plan(0-0)and as predicted it was not a fun game to watch. BP will be playing the underdog-role for most of this season but this is a game they will have to try to win. It's gonna be very interesting how they handle it and what kind of formation they will start with. Häcken had a good game at home against Malmö in the first round and deserved to get at least a point but lost the game in the final minutes. They were robbed of a penalty, hit the crossbar twice and had a ball cleared of the line. This is a game between two newcomers and before the season Häcken was rated as the one that had the best chances of staying 阅读全文>> |
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今晚去了北京工人体育馆听许巍的演唱会。四年前,在同一个地点曾经看过他的演出,四年后,再次来此感受他的歌声。 蓝色的灯光效果烘托着深邃而空灵的音乐,让人感觉到仿佛是在海洋里畅游,正在这种音乐中遐想时,他——悄然登场,引起场内一阵欢呼和尖叫。 比起四年前演唱会上的许巍,四年后的他变得沉稳了许多、放松了许多,没有太多的言语,也没有像上次一样满场跑来跑去,只是简单的问候了喜爱他的新老歌迷们,即使是简单的问候也会引起全场沸腾,全场尖叫,唯一不变的是他用那低沉、沙哑的歌声在舞台上自我陶醉的为大家演唱着。 舞台看起来没有什么,很简单,但音响却让人感到十分震撼,每一个鼓点都敲打在心上,仿佛心脏在伴随着鼓点而舞动,而不是自身的跳动一般。在炫目的灯光下,很多歌迷双手跟着动感的音乐打着节拍,当听到熟悉的歌曲段落时,全场附和,唱到高潮迭起时,尖叫声不断。就这样喜爱他的歌迷用歌声附和着、用掌声欢迎着,用尖叫向他致意,他们呼喊着他的名字,他们用欢呼支持着他。 对于他的歌谈不上熟悉的我这次也只是去凑凑热闹,对他的歌曲最熟悉的恐怕就是那首《蓝莲花》了。他的歌声有时是一种空灵的感觉,仿佛是从很远的地方传来,不知道该用什么词来形容,也不知形容的对不对,总之,是自己内心的一种感觉。有时感觉他的歌即便是表现孤独的,曲子也是那么的积极,所以,很喜欢他歌曲的旋律。 祝愿他能在自己事业的道路上越走越宽,创作出更多、更好的歌曲! |
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