Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an Amercian college, and
he was always trying to find good players, but they weren't always
smart enought to be accepted by the college. One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. "Well," the dean said after some persuasion, "I'd better ask him a few questions first." Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn't know any of the answers. At last the dean said, "Well, what's five times seven?" The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six." The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was on 阅读全文>> |
<SPAN><STRONG>网络特价套餐9月10月11月提前预定拍摄经典回馈:拍婚纱照~加一元即减千元现金~赠送千元豪华大礼包+加赠12重大礼限额特价促销中...</STRONG> <B>为了迎接10.1</SPAN>黄金周本年度又一个婚纱摄影拍摄热潮的来临,本公司特别推出可以提前预定拍摄的网络限额特价套餐,此活动套餐特别适合9月10月11月婚期或者准备拍摄的新人们;请有需求拍摄的新人相互转告!活动期间重重礼;步步优惠等着您!尽快预定吧!!</SPAN></SPAN> <B>(因为婚纱照的制作周期为期30个工作日,所以提前提醒这三个月有婚期或者准备拍摄的新人提前预定;</SPAN>9月11月拍摄提前10-20天预定;10月拍摄的提前20-30天预定套餐和拍摄时间!!</SPAN>)</SPAN> <B></SPAN> <B>新人注意</SPAN>:如果您来本公司门市订此特价网络套餐,未出示手机验证码或者未说明您是网络客户订购了其他套餐;属于自愿放弃此套餐的服务和优惠及赠送的相关礼品!不可以再更换此网络特价限额套餐!(注:您可以直接到门市找网络部王先生13405004015定此特价套餐)!切记,切记.......</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> <B |
银奖!专供饭店 辉来 硬壳云腿月饼 独家定!100克
中秋大揭秘:月饼为啥卖得火?</SPAN> </SPAN> 娃子给每个月饼多加了1块钱的火腿预算费用,每个月饼里面都多加了1块钱的火腿进去,所以吃上去馅料很多,搬开里面全是肉!</SPAN> 这个是同等质量松仁火腿月饼的图片,</SPAN> 从松仁云腿的质量,可见娃子的月饼质量!</SPAN> </SPAN> 注意看时间,8月5日17点到22点的热销记录!</STRONG> </STRONG> 单个独立包装,有塑封。里面全是火腿噢,加了少量的白糖,加上...阅读全文>> |
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