银奖!专供饭店 辉来 硬壳云腿月饼 独家定!100克
中秋大揭秘:月饼为啥卖得火?</SPAN> </SPAN> 娃子给每个月饼多加了1块钱的火腿预算费用,每个月饼里面都多加了1块钱的火腿进去,所以吃上去馅料很多,搬开里面全是肉!</SPAN> 这个是同等质量松仁火腿月饼的图片,</SPAN> 从松仁云腿的质量,可见娃子的月饼质量!</SPAN> </SPAN> 注意看时间,8月5日17点到22点的热销记录!</STRONG> </STRONG> 单个独立包装,有塑封。里面全是火腿噢,加了少量的白糖,加上火腿本身带有的咸味,吃起来咸鲜带甜,又不腻人。</STRONG> 你不可错过购买的十大理由</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG> 一、月饼专供四星级的酒店,政府接待外宾的指定酒店</STRONG>。餐饮服务到达一级标准。</SPAN></SPAN> 二、独家定制高品质月饼,专门给厂家加了钱要求多加火腿,一般不对外销售,你吃的月饼比云南领导吃到的质量还要高</STRONG></SPAN> 三、小店对比了云南市场上的</STRONG></SPAN>N</STRONG></SPAN>中牌子的月饼</STRONG>,选取了口感最好,最正宗的月饼与酷爱美食的朋友分享。</SPAN> 四、本店推荐的月饼性价比最高</STRONG>,因为我们只赚一个好口碑,加入了消费者保障计划,你可以无后顾之忧放心购买。</SPAN> 五、本店不存在期货积压,我们保证每一个入口的月饼都是最新鲜的</STRONG>。独家预定,只供我们一家,厂家为了打出自己牌子,与我们强强联合</SPAN> 六、月饼为实物拍摄,吃到的月饼比照片更加诱人</STRONG>,只看图的</SPAN>MM</SPAN>,不如来个图香并茂的享受</SPAN> 七、本店的月饼从选料绝对优质</STRONG>,火腿是选取三年以上可以生吃的宣威老火腿,加上蜂蜜等配料精制而成。</SPAN> 八、独特的火腿月饼壳,烤制的月饼皮非常香甜!该厂月饼在中秋月饼比赛中获得银奖。(我们是专门加料定做,比银奖月饼质量还要高)</SPAN> 九、月饼为本店创店的震店之宝,一个月累计出售千个月饼</STRONG>,好评如潮,很多老顾客频频回头。</SPAN> 十、本店常年提供</STRONG>品质上佳的月饼,你完全可以在一年四季享受来自异乡的美味点心。</SPAN> 月饼的热销记录!!!!因为类目改变月饼重新编辑过</SPAN> </STRONG> 全是火腿 中秋月饼比赛获得银奖,通过QS 认证</STRONG> </STRONG> 保质期是35天,月饼都非常新鲜,质量非常高!保山一家四星酒店就是在我们定做这家定月饼的喔:)质量品质可想而知</STRONG> 用微波炉中火转20秒,味道更好,像刚烤出来的一样。</STRONG> 银奖!专供饭店 辉来 硬壳云腿月饼 独家定!100克 6.5元</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an Amercian college, and
he was always trying to find good players, but they weren't always
smart enought to be accepted by the college. One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. "Well," the dean said after some persuasion, "I'd better ask him a few questions first." Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn't know any of the answers. At last the dean said, "Well, what's five times seven?" The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six." The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two." 他的得数只比正确答案多二 杰克霍金斯是美国一所学院的橄榄球队教练,他竭力想物色好球员。但是好球员学业不行,院方不愿录取。 有一天,教练带着一位优秀的年轻球员去见院 |
Motivated Federer reigns supreme
Federer hustle</STRONG> Monday, September 7, 2009</STRONG></SPAN> On the 40th anniversary of Rod Laver winning his historic second Grand Slam at the US Open, Roger Federer waxed Tommy Robredo, 7-5, 6-2, 6-2, which was his 38th consecutive victory at Flushing Meadows, just four short of the great American Bill Tilden's record of 42 straight victories from 1920-26.</STRONG> Federer cannot tie the mark in New York because, even if he scores three more wins and nails down his sixth straight crown, he'll still be one short. But be that as it may, he has already put himself into Laver territory and, in many folks' opinions, has gone above and beyond the feats of the multi-talented Australian.</STRONG> <...阅读全文>> |
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