Mrs. McGillicuddy turned to him with vehemence. "A woman has been strangled," she said. "In a train that just passed. I saw it." The ticket collector looked at her doubtfully. "I beg your pardon, madam?" "A man strangled a woman! In a train. I saw it – through there." She pointed to the window. The ticket collector looked extremely doubtful. "Strangled?" he said disbelievingly. "Yes, strangled! I saw it, I tell you. You must don something at once!" The ticket collector coughed apologetically. "You don't think, madam, that you may have had a little nap and - er - " he broke off tactfully. "I have had a nap, but if you think this was a dream, you're quite wrong. I saw it, I tell you." The ticket collector's eyes dropped to the open magazine lying on the seat. On the exposed page was a girl being strangled whilst a man with a revolver threatened the pair from an open doorway. buy hiphone h8910 MP3 Players cell a555 t3232 cell phone GPS 5.0 Inch Screen portable dvd player with fm clon...阅读全文>> |
</STRONG> 【原料】</STRONG> 主料:</STRONG> 三蛇一副(约1500 克)。果子狸肉500 克,老母鸡(净)800克,水发北菇丝50 克,水发木耳丝100 克,水发鲍鱼丝100 克,水泡姜丝30 克,瘦猪肉800 克,火腿100 克,陈皮5 克,生鸡丝100 克,柠檬丝15克,薄脆100 克,蛋清2 只,菊花2 朵,桂圆肉25 克,甘蔗250 克。 调料:</STRONG> 料酒、精盐、味精、酱油、白酒、胡椒粉、姜、葱、湿淀粉、猪油。 【制作过程】</STRONG> 1.将蛇宰杀后剥去蛇皮,斩去头尾洗净,放入砂锅内,后放甘蔗、桂圆肉、生姜、陈皮,加入清水,加盖后砂锅置炉上,用文火炖30 分钟左右,捞出三蛇,从头到尾用手轻轻拆出蛇骨,将蛇肉切成5 厘米的段,再撕成细丝。蛇骨装入布袋,仍放回原砂锅内,用文火再炖2 小时捞出。陈皮、生姜切成细丝。除去桂圆肉、甘蔗,原汤以白洁毛巾滤净汤渣待用。 2.将豹狸肉洗净,切成四件,放入沸水锅中焯15 分钟左右,捞出晾干。烧热锅放入猪油,烹入料酒,投入姜、葱、煸委后,放入豹狸肉煸炒几分钟后倒入砂锅内,放入老母鸡、瘦诸肉、火腿,加入清水,加盖后置于炉上,再加入蛇汤,继续用 |
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