前言:每个人心中都有英雄,也许仅仅是因为一件小事,一个动作,一份坚持。这里我要介绍一位以英雄形象伫立在许多人心中的运动员——雷蒙雷德。 1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上,又一个英雄诞生。英国男子400米选手雷蒙雷德曾因为受伤而中断在汉城奥运会上退出比赛,此后他经历了5次手术,只是为了回 到奥运会赛场来拿奖牌。半决赛那天到来,雷蒙雷德的父亲吉姆和6.5亿观众一样,高坐在离火炬很近的看台上。比赛开始 阅读全文>> |
</STRONG> 鱼香肉丝的来历 中国有八大菜系,它们分别是川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽、鲁菜,鱼香肉丝来源于川菜。 鱼香肉丝的来历。相传很久以前在四川有一户生意人家,他们家里的人很喜欢吃鱼,对调味也很讲究,所以他们在烧鱼的时候都要放一些葱、姜、蒜、酒、醋、酱油等去腥增味的调料。有一次晚上这个家中的女主人在炒另一只菜的时候,她为了不使配料浪费,她把上次烧鱼时用剩的配料都放在这款菜中炒和,当时她还以为这款菜可能味不是很好吃,可能家中的男人回来后不好交待,她正在发呆之际,她的老公做生意回家了。这个老公不知是肚饥之故还是感觉这碗菜的特别,而他还没等开饭就用手抓起就往嘴中咽,还没等一分钟,他迫不及待地问老婆此菜是用何做的,她刚在结结巴巴时,她意外地发现其老公连连称赞其菜之味,她老公见她没回答,又问了一句“怎么好吃是用什么做得”,就这样老婆才一五一十地给他讲了一遍。而这款菜是用烧鱼的配料来炒和其它菜肴,才会其味无穷,所以取名为鱼香炒,而得此名。 后来这款菜经过了四川人若干年的改进,现已早早列入四川菜谱,如鱼香猪肝、鱼香肉丝、鱼香茄子和鱼香三丝等。如今因此菜风味独特,使各地的 |
Fabio Capello has carried the aura of a
particularly fearsome headmaster from the day he first laid down
the law to the England players at their initial meeting 20 months
ago, but this old-fashioned autocrat is not afraid to embrace
modern methods. Rather than with the dreaded red ink, the Italian instils fear in his players through the use of a red laser pen while subjecting them to trial by television. Even in his elevated position as “head boy”, John Terry is not immune from the manager’s piercing beam. The captain gave a fascinating insight into Capello’s debriefing sessions yesterday, in which the squad is forced to watch videos of the previous match and individual mistakes are highlighted by laser. Given the number of errors he has made in his most recent appearances, Rio Ferdinand must feel as if he is trapped in a never-ending game of Laser Quest. “When the manager first came in, we watched videos of the first few games and he wanted the players to work a lot |
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