泰科电子是一家引领业界 60 年、营业额高达 128
年,泰科电子从泰科国际脱离,成为在纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange,简称
NYSE)挂牌的独立上市公司,股票代码为“TEL”。 Product Engineer/产品工程师 Qualifications, 1) Electronics or mechanical engineering background, bachelor or master degree 2) Good English skill 3) More than 3 years experience in the related area 4) Enough knowledge for car electronics system 4) Positive attitude 5) Strong for stress 6) ProE and ANSYS skill JOB: Going to customer to clarify the requirement Design relay-fuse BOX Design the uation equipment Making prototype. uate the BOX as functionally OK or not Modify the BOX if the performance is not good enough Advanced Process Engineer of Inductive system(高级工艺工程师) Key responsibilities of the job: 1: quality: Process design in function of zero defects at the customer. The process shall be designed to bring the product quality the customer has specified in his order book. Required competences: ·Ability to analyze and understand the customer requirements (not more, not less) ·Full technical understanding of processes, through concept and construction reviews ·Integrate in line controls in cooperation with AQE Methodology: ·TS16949 ·Bring structure in project using NPP ·PFMEA ·6 Sigma 2: cost: process design that ensure an optimal cost level The cost target needs to be achieved. In making quotations, awareness of the market cost and investment level Required competences: ·Strict follow up on production cost and capital invest. ·Define corrections if required to bring the cost back to the CER condition Methodology: ·Continuous cost review / monthly reporting 3: Innovation: defining solutions that better ensure quality and/or bring better cost conditions and/or provide more performant processes in terms of cycle time and output. Required competences ·Follow evolution of key technologies ·Creativity ·Thorough comprehension of key technologies ·A strong drive for continuous improvement 4: Delivery / time: Bring the process within the specified timing to production readiness The project milestones need to be met. The process definition needs to allow optimal logistic conditions. Required competences ·Close follow up on the project timing. Define corrective actio 阅读全文>> |
浙江女排3-0胜辽宁女排</STRONG> 尽管此役是浙江队的副攻罗瑜首次改打主攻,但是即使面对拥有王一梅、楚金玲两大重炮的辽宁队,浙江队还是在稳定性和攻守平衡能力上高出一筹以3-0横扫对手,三局比分为25-15、25-16和25-15。此役浙江队的罗瑜斩获12分,辽宁队的两大国手王一梅和楚金玲分别仅有7分和4分入账。 首局比赛浙江队进入状态较快,罗瑜的强攻、后攻以及王显芬的快攻屡有斩获帮助本队在两次技术暂停时分别以8-7和16-10保持领先。辽宁队的强攻优势没能得到充分发挥,主动失误较多让她们难以给对手施压,浙江队一路领先凭借王显芬的快攻以25-15轻松赢得首局比赛的胜利。 第二局比赛开局阶段辽宁队略有起色,但是第一次技术暂停后朱莉君连续三次发球直接得分让浙江队将领先优势扩大到12-7,辽宁队被迫用李曼换下王一梅稳定一传。辽宁队无力将比分迫近,杨舟的快攻命中使 |
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