懒得说废话 上点照片就去睡觉了 明天起床再写 超级感谢小新姐姐。 当然没有刘昱我也进不去冠军看台 O(∩_∩)O(大学四年同班同学不是白当的) 这个就是刘昱同学啦,我们可是大学同班了四年哦!万岁,万岁!散场后还送我们回家,真是太感动了! 工作证,牛X的很,我横冲直撞进了一层冠军看台! 可心,茜茜,璐璐。唯一合影。人实在是太多了(Cen说有7万多人)太热了。 各种各样的票,都是我们的。哈哈哈哈~ 看我满脸油光,第一排拍照舒服,第四排看的清楚,我就这么跳来跳去,来回窜! 这张忽略我的脸,角度问题,变的很奇怪,放这张上来的原因是,我的鞋子! 我超级爱啊!!!为了买这双鞋子,我跑了7家店,都没有我的号,35号太难买了。。。 睡觉了。明天继续锄草! 阅读全文>> |
咸鱼茄子瘦肉煲的制作材料: 主料:茄子(紫皮,长)300克 辅料:咸鱼100克,瘦肉100克 调料:姜10克,大蒜(白皮)5克,大葱15克,蚝油3克,老抽3克,盐5克,味精3克,白砂糖3克,胡椒粉3克,鸡精3克,香油3克,淀粉(玉米)10克 1. 咸鱼切丁; 2. 茄子去皮切成条; 3. 葱择洗净切段,姜、蒜切片; 4. 净锅上火,油烧至七成热时,下入咸鱼炸香捞出; 5. 茄条入油锅中炸至金黄色,捞出沥油; 6. 另取净锅上火烧油,油温六成热时,下入姜片、蒜片、葱段、蚝油、肉片炒香; 7. 加入鲜汤少许,下入茄条、咸鱼,烧至茄条软; 8. 勾芡,装入烧好的煲内即成。 |
Hello, this is Ebigear English studio. I'm Creature X. Lorra was at the bottom of fortune's wheel. Find more details from the dialogues below: A: Hi, Lorra. This is Cary. Are you free now? B: I hope so, too. A: Where're are now? It sounds so noisy. B: I'd prefer to tell you later, but would you please come to pick me up at Wooster Street..No.36? Hello? Hello? Oh, shit happens! ... C: Where to, madam? B: Canon Residential Block, please. ... C: That's $16,please. B: What? $16 for only two blocks? C: Sorry madam. We need to go round the one-way traffic, and you've seen that there's a bit traffic jam. B: All right, here's the money. C: Wait! Wait!!Would you change this note, please? B: Why? Are you saying that it's a counterfeit one? C: Yes. I'm afraid it's a fake one! Okey, let's learn the useful expression_r_rs first: 1. be at the bottom of fortune's wheel.(bottom n.底部; fortune n.运气、时运; wheel n.轮子。)直...阅读全文>> |
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