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坐月子的时间应多久? 产褥期是指妈妈从胎盘娩出到全身各器官恢复到接近怀孕前状态的一段时间,需要6-8周。在整个产褥期母体的变化最大,它包括身体里的各个系统功能的恢复,尤其是生殖系统各器官要恢复至怀孕前的状态,在此期间,母体需要进行一系列的调整和复原。通常坐月子的时间应该是42-56天。 每位母亲都有泌乳的能力吗? 对这个总是的回答是肯定的。每位生育期妇女在分娩后不论乳房大小,都会有乳汁分泌,而且一般都有足够的乳汁喂养婴儿,4-6个月后则需添加辅食,以满足婴儿生长发育的需要。乳房大小主要与脂肪组织含量多少有关,而与产后泌乳量无密切关系。 产后饮食要注意什么? 产后要注意饮食的营养,这是很重要的。但在产后1-2天内最好吃些清淡而易消化的食物,应以小米粥、面条、鸡蛋为主。不要吃过分油腻的食物,如猪蹄、母鸡等。随着消化能力的恢复,可吃些热量高、富有营养的食物,如鸡汤、排骨、鱼汤、并可根据个人的 |
</STRONG> 原文:Nedved for D-day talks Friday 29 May, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus veteran Pavel Nedved is set to meet the club's directors today to resolve his future.</STRONG> Earlier in the season, the Czech international declared his intention to hang up his boots at the end of the current campaign.</STRONG> But recently his agent Mino Raiola stressed that he expected Nedved to play on for another year.</STRONG> Reports suggest that the 36-year-old is scheduled to meet club President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli later today to make a final decision.</STRONG> It has been suggested by La Gazzetta dello Sport that the Bianconeri will offer Nedved a one-year contract extension worth around £1m plus bonuses.</STRONG> The salary would equate to around half the sum that the former Lazio man earns at ...阅读全文>> |
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