</STRONG> 原文:Nedved for D-day talks Friday 29 May, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus veteran Pavel Nedved is set to meet the club's directors today to resolve his future.</STRONG> Earlier in the season, the Czech international declared his intention to hang up his boots at the end of the current campaign.</STRONG> But recently his agent Mino Raiola stressed that he expected Nedved to play on for another year.</STRONG> Reports suggest that the 36-year-old is scheduled to meet club President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli later today to make a final decision.</STRONG> It has been suggested by La Gazzetta dello Sport that the Bianconeri will offer Nedved a one-year contract extension worth around £1m plus bonuses.</STRONG> The salary would equate to around half the sum that the former Lazio man earns at present, but it may be enough to persuade Nedved to extend his career.</STRONG> Nedved signed for Juve from Lazio in 2001 and has played over 200 games for the Turin giants. </STRONG> 原文链接:</STRONG>http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may29f.html</STRONG> 译文:尤文图斯老将帕维尔.内德维德将在今天同俱乐部高层进行会谈,来确定自己的未来。</STRONG> 本赛季早些时候,捷克火爆男曾宣布他将在赛季结束后正式挂靴,但他的经纪人米诺.莱奥拉强调他希望内德维德再踢一年。</STRONG> 有媒体猜测,这位36岁的老将在今天晚些时候同俱乐部主席乔瓦尼.科博利.吉利进行一次会谈,来最出最终决定 阅读全文>> |
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