Dance halls 舞厅 Data collection 数据收集 Data collection problem 数据收集的问题 Data collection strategy 数据收集策略 Data collection survey 数据收集调查 Day Camping 一日游营地 Decision-making 决策制定 Decision-making by nationality 国家决策制定 Decision-making mode 决策制定模型 Decline 衰退 Decline of domestic tourism 国内旅游衰减 Definition 定义,解说 Definition of economics 经济学定义 Definition of international tourism 国际旅游的定义 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http;// Definition of leisure 休闲的定义 Definition of planning 规划的定义 Demand 需求 Demand analysis 需求分析 Demand and energy 需求与能量 Demand and motivation 需求与动机 Demand and pricing 需求与定价 Demand function 需求作用 Demand model 需求模型 Demand sensitivity 需求敏感度 Demand theory 需求理论 Demand-side determinant 需求方决定的 Demographic Market segmentation 市场的人口学细分 Demographic structures 人口学结构 Demography 人口统计学 Demography of research respondent 样本的人口统计学特征 Demonstration effect 示范效应 Densities 密度 Densities of camping site 营地密度 Densities of Recreational activities 游憩活动密度 Densities of use 使用密度 Departments (政府)部、局 Dependency theory 依赖理论 Design of Isolated facilities 独立设施设计 Destination 目的地, 阅读全文>> |
</STRONG> 原文:Diego's Juve Euro glory dreams Saturday 9 May, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diego’s Werder Bremen are in the UEFA Cup Final, but he is already looking forward to the Champions League with Juventus.</STRONG> “There is a moment in everyone’s career when a player must look ahead to the top targets. I won with Santos, I won with Porto and have grown so much in Bremen,” he told Tuttosport newspaper.</STRONG> “But I am ambitious. I dream of the Champions League trophy in my hands and a starring role for Brazil in the 2010 World Cup tournament in South Africa.</STRONG> “I have said many times I admire Serie A very much and it is my favourite League of all. As for business, I just focus on playing, the rest is down to my father Djair.”</STRONG> A transfer to Turin was already on the cards last season, but...阅读全文>> |
眼睛干涩、疲劳怎么缓解?对于很多网友收藏的润眼小偏方,来看看专家怎么看—— 偏方一:热毛巾敷眼10分钟 专家提醒:热敷可促进眼部血液循环,对睑板腺功能的恢复有一定帮助,防止因睑板腺功能障碍导致干眼。 偏方二:滴眼药水 专家提醒:眼药水是否能润眼,要看两点,一是药水成分,二是滴药水的频率。某些成分的眼药水并不适合健康的眼睛,有眼病的话更要对症治疗。合适的眼药水滴太勤也可能伤眼睛。 偏方三:常喝绿茶、乌龙茶或铁观音 专家提醒:茶叶含丰富胡萝卜素,能在人体内转化为维生素A,维生素A对经常接触电脑的人有保健作用,不但能减少电脑辐射对人体的伤害,还能够预防干眼症。 偏方四:打呵欠、含酸梅 专家提醒:利用打呵欠流泪润眼固然可行,但并不是想打就能打。有些人反映,口含酸梅刺激眼泪倒是不错的方法。 偏方五:眼保健操 专家提醒:可促进眼部血液循环,减轻眼部疲劳。 偏方六:抹护眼霜 专家提醒:不是所有护眼霜都能润眼,某些劣质或特殊成分的护眼霜可能还会刺激眼睛。注意护眼霜的成分,不可乱用。 偏方七:温水冲洗眼睛 专家提醒:注意保证水的清洁,否则不够洁净的水也会导致眼病。...阅读全文>> |
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