</STRONG> 原文:Diego's Juve Euro glory dreams Saturday 9 May, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diego’s Werder Bremen are in the UEFA Cup Final, but he is already looking forward to the Champions League with Juventus.</STRONG> “There is a moment in everyone’s career when a player must look ahead to the top targets. I won with Santos, I won with Porto and have grown so much in Bremen,” he told Tuttosport newspaper.</STRONG> “But I am ambitious. I dream of the Champions League trophy in my hands and a starring role for Brazil in the 2010 World Cup tournament in South Africa.</STRONG> “I have said many times I admire Serie A very much and it is my favourite League of all. As for business, I just focus on playing, the rest is down to my father Djair.”</STRONG> A transfer to Turin was already on the cards last season, but Diego finally seems set to complete the move in the next few weeks.</STRONG> It was reported one of the main reasons for the delay was that Claudio Ranieri did not think Diego would fit into the 4-4-2 system.</STRONG> As Ranieri is set to leave at the end of the season anyway, that is no longer a problem for the Bianconeri.</STRONG> “My characteristics are clear. I like to take the initiative, play the ball and go for goal. If my teammates don’t pass me the ball, I go to get it myself!</STRONG> “My objective is to help Werder win the UEFA Cup and German Cup, even though it makes me sad I’ll be suspended against Shakhtar Donetsk,” added Diego, who picked up a yellow card in the semi-final with Hamburg.</STRONG> Werder Bremen have been adamant they will not release the Brazilian, but his position is very clear.</STRONG> “The club has the right to decide, but I also have that privilege when it comes to what is best for me and my career. For now the conversations are between directors and my representatives.</STRONG> “Juve are a fantastic squad, I have been saying this for months. In Brazil they are the most popular club and were after me right from my time at Santos. Plus Juve have the strongest goalkeeper in the world, Gianluigi Buffon.”</STRONG> 原文链接:</STRONG>http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may9g.html</STRONG> 译文:迭戈所在的云达不莱梅杀入了联盟杯决赛,但他已经开始展望同尤文图斯的欧冠旅程了。</STRONG> “每名球员在职业生涯中都要面临着向更高目标努力的时刻。我在桑托斯得到了冠军,在波尔图也得到了冠军,在不莱梅 阅读全文>> |
http://auto.QQ.com 2009年05月08日07:54
新华社 综合报道
据新华社电 记者7日从国内汽车厂家了解到,今年4月国内车市继续回暖,火爆异常。十大轿车厂家中有7家月销量创新纪录。 上海大众、 一汽大众、上海通用和 北京现代销量超过5万辆,其中上海 大众 首次突破6万辆,蝉联月度轿车销量冠军。 上海大众月销6万夺冠 据上海大众提供的数据,上海大众4月销量破纪录地达到60425辆,在上海大众历史上首次突破6万辆大关。旗下大众和 斯柯达 两大品牌表现良好,1.6升及以下车型表现抢眼,其他车型表现稳定。中级轿车 帕萨特(图库 论坛)</SPAN> 领驭以7438辆的高销量全身而退,刚上市一周多的新领驭也贡献了675辆的销量。 一汽大众4月份销量达到创纪录的57047辆, 捷达(图库 论坛)</SPAN> 、新 宝来(图库 论坛)</SPAN> 、 速腾(图库 论坛)</SPAN> 三款以1.6升排量为主的车型贡献突出,占大众品牌总销量的90%。中高级轿车 奥迪 销量连续两月刷新月度纪录。据上海通用汽车公布的数据,4月份上海通用汽车单月销量达到55246辆,较去年同期增长30%,创下2008年以来的单月最高销量纪录。 北京 现代 4月份销量首次突破5万辆,达到50217辆。这是北京现代继3月份以41881辆的成绩打破历史最好销售成绩后,再次刷新该纪录。在出口大幅下滑的形势下, 奇瑞 汽车大力开拓国内市场,4月销量突破4.2万辆,再创月度新高。 从各汽车厂家上报给中国汽车工业协会的数据来看,今年4月份几乎所有轿车厂家表现都不错。许多轿车品牌供不应求,出现多年未见的排队等待提车场面。 |
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