活力四射的篮球宝贝 演出前最后的排练 白队为山东大学队 红队为财经学院队 作为一名体育爱好者,前天晚上亲眼目睹了我市体育馆启用仪式暨CUBA篮球邀请赛,真是过足了瘾。 现代化的体育馆令人震撼。 晚上天气格外寒冷,但是每人都是热情高涨。 场内山东大学男篮与山东财经学院男篮的精湛球技不时博来观众阵阵热烈的掌声。 阅读全文>> |
材料:胡萝卜100克,排骨100克,陈皮、姜、蒜少许。 制作: 1、将胡萝卜、排骨、陈皮分别洗净,排骨斩块,姜切块,蒜剥好。 2、排骨过汆一下去血水备用 2、在煲内加入适量清水,先用猛火煲至水滚,然后加入上述全部材料,改用中火继续煲2小时,加入少许味精。 |
Owl City - Fireflies You would not believe your eyes If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere You'd think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare I'd like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep Cause everything is never as it seems Cause I'd get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread I'd like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly It's hard to say that I'd rather stay Awake when I'm asleep Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep Leave my d...阅读全文>> |
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