</STRONG> Situated at 36º40'N and 117º00'E, Jinan neighbors Mount Tai to the south and the Yellow River in the north. The terrain of Jinan slopes down from south to north. There are two major water systems in Jinan-- the Yellow River and the Xiaoqing River. Daming Lake and Baiyun Lake are the major lakes.</STRONG> </STRONG> Located on the east coast of China, Jinan is the capital city and the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological, educational and financial center of Shandong Province. It is also a city at the vice—provincial level and a foreign-oriented city approved by the country. Jinan covers an area of 8,177 square kilometers with 3,257 square kilometers of urban area.</STRONG> </STRONG> Jinan municipa 阅读全文>> |
多谢各位影迷的支持,影院大亨秋冬档马拉松第一周取得不俗反响!在将近100家影院的激烈角逐下,我们终于正式选出40强进入第二周的比赛! 《癫才家族》导演韦斯安德森童心大爆发,将《查理与巧克力工厂》作者又一经典童书改编成静帧动画,并请到乔治克鲁尼和梅姨配音,《超级狐狸先生》( Fantastic Mr. Fox )虽然不是完全给小孩子看的,但也在4家影院狂收26万美元,单院票房66475美元成为冠军。紧随其后的是上周冠军《珍爱》( Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire ),扩大至174家影院再收587万美元,单院票房锁定在33762美元。纪录片《巴黎歌剧院的芭蕾舞》( La Danse: Le Ballet de L'Opera de Paris )以28014美元的单院成绩位居第三位,紧随其后的是灾难巨片《2012》(19165美元)和独立电影《不确定》( Uncertainty )(13075美元)。 立即查看上周票房排名! (标注为黄色即为入围) 特别说明:入围者如缺席本周比赛,其比赛名额将留给非正式参赛者中票房成绩最高者,以此类推!所以即 |
有空在慢慢翻译…… http://www.sovsport.ru/gazeta/article-item/356306 «He delivered presents from London just to me» 19.10.09 14.00 The plane takes off from London where Yuriy won a bronze medal at worlds in the AA for the first time in his life. Before take off Ryazanov as usual buys presents at the airport. -...As always, he bought presents for all his close friends but only delivered mine to me... He gave me Chanel perfume, he said that he wanted to buy another one but Aleksey Nemov recommended this one...I smiled and said "I guess we can consider it a present from both of you!"...- Galina reminisces. 17:58 The plane lands in Moscow. Yuriy sends Galya an SMS "Sweetie, we've landed! As soon as I leave Round Lake I'll give you a call." - We met 7 years ago at #14 School in Vladimir. I was in the 9th grade, he was in the 19th. Yurka came to the NY celebration of our mutual friend, Maksim Sotskiy, with his best friends. I remember M...阅读全文>> |
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