迪达,</SPAN>400</SPAN>万高薪,沦为米兰的第三替补门将,本赛季结束就将离队,由于阿比亚蒂与斯托拉里的相继受伤而再次站在了欧洲的赛场。“黄油手”迪达已经不止一次在比赛中出现低级的失误了,在伯纳乌他依然延续着他的低端,一个毫无力气毫无角度的射门竟然脱手后并且砸中自己膝盖跳出,并被劳尔破门得分。如果不是帕托的发威,那么本场比赛后迪达必将是米兰球迷心中的罪人。但不可否认,除了这次业余式的失误,迪达高接低挡也算发挥及格,他挡出了卡卡的小角度必进球,扑出了马塞洛和阿隆索的多次远射。迪达并没有因为这次失误而发生心理变化,靠着老道的比赛经验,帮助球队化解了多次门前的险情。</SPAN> 小罗,整场比赛尽管十分卖力,带着在意甲联赛中对罗马之战后一传一射的愉悦心情来到伯纳乌,但小罗已不是巴萨的小罗,他已略显肥态,没有了灵巧,没有了“国家德比”中将皇马边后卫拉莫斯玩弄于鼓掌之间的霸气。很多时候,他都是在原地过人,原地发力,原地传球;但很多时候,却是过人失败,被人抢断,对裁判抱怨。尽管小罗已经很卖力了,也很积极地在比赛,但是他已经力不从心了。但我们也不能忽视小罗的作用,他整场比赛受到皇马的重点照顾,每当拿球身边就会出现不少于两名皇马球员的包夹,这也限制了他的发挥。全场唯一的“闪光点”却出现在球队中后卫席尔瓦接小罗踢出角球后 阅读全文>> |
A-Rod's dramatic performance continued. Chone Figgins's first hit
this postseason in the top of 11th innings gave
Angels 3-2 lead. Closer Fuentes 's try to tie AL champion series to
1-1 was spoiled by A-Rod's solo HR in the bottom
of 11th innings. It's A-Rod's second HR in the 9th
innings or later to tie the game this postseason. 3HRs and 8RBIs
leaded the Yankees 5-0 unbeated this postseason.
Angels had more chance than Yankees to win the
game . But low RISP hurted Angels. Finally error punished Angels in
the bottom of 13th innings when Maicer Izturis
made walk-off error. After Jerry Hairston JR
singled, Brandon Gardner's sacrified bunt
delivered him to second base. Robinson Cano was
walked intentionlly. Izturis catched Cabbera's
ground ball between first base and second base and then threw to
second base to try a double play. But his wild
throw resulted Hairston JR's decisive run. Angels had made 5 errors in his first two game of ALCS. Ga...阅读全文>> |
机器人3D期期4码胆组~~~第09289期: </STRONG>09270期:1578 开奖:759 结果:出57! 09271期:2389 开奖:335 结果:出33! 09272期:4578 开奖:566 结果:出5! 09273期:0158 开奖:095 结果:出05! 09274期:2379 开奖:593 结果:出39! 09275期:3578 开奖:615 结果:出5! 09276期:0169 开奖:608 结果:出06! 09277期:1346 开奖:940 结果:出4! 09278期:2356 开奖:367 结果:出36! 09279期:2467 开奖:684 结果:出46! ======================10对10! 09280期:1679 开奖:956 结果:出69! 09281期:1589 开奖:459 结果:出59! 09282期:2345 开奖:850 结果:出5! 09283期:0579 开奖:161 结果:错误! 09284期:1267 开奖:654 结果:出6! 09285期:0358 开奖:911 结果:错误! 09286期:1249 开奖:349 结果:出49! 09287期:0378 开奖:056 结果:出0! 09288期:2479 开奖:490 结果:出49! 09289期:0179 开奖:??? 结果:?? ======================== 机器人个人意见,望大家慎重参考!! ...阅读全文>> |
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