一般夏日的紫外线对皮肤构成的威胁最大。它不仅使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰;还能引起黄褐斑和日光疹等皮肤病的发生。这时,防晒护肤就成了重点。外出时,最好戴帽打伞,同时脸上或暴露部位涂些防晒剂,有霜、膏、蜜、脂剂型的,它们均能有效地抵御紫外线对皮肤的伤害。夏季花露水常可作消毒杀菌剂使用,它由3%的香精和70%的酒精及适量的水分组成。在洗脸水、浴水、卧室、客厅或身上洒些,不仅能除臭去汗、杀菌止痒,还能健脑提神。 此外,夏季在清洁皮肤上,还可以适量地扑些爽身粉或痱子粉,它们都具有凉爽、止汗、止痒的作用夏季皮肤护理的重中之重是防晒。防晒霜的选择,要根据自己的肌肤性质来定。油性肌肤者应选择清爽控油型,干性肌肤者宜选择有保湿作用的。混合性肌肤 阅读全文>> |
Manchester United 0-0 Arsenal Barclays Premier League Saturday, May 16, 2009, 12:45 On the performance…</STRONG> “I believe we played with a lot of heart and desire. When we played in the Champions League I think we were inhibited a bit by the occasion - it was too big perhaps - and in the second leg we had no chance to play the game. Today we showed we have the quality. We played a lot of authority on the pitch. "Man United like to play counter attack and I felt we were much sharper on winning the ball back but have the regret that we couldn't score the goal that would have livened the game up - it would have forced them to come out. In the last 20 minutes they made a change to play for a 0-0.” On being spurred on by United's celebrations…</STRONG></SPAN> “The hope is there that we can do. The quality is there as well and you saw that today. “Deep down you wa...阅读全文>> |
乘"老年夕阳号"游半个中国 百岁老人吴慧珍辞世
2003年12月30日,101岁的传奇</SPAN>老人吴慧珍在哈尔滨辞世。吴慧珍以百岁的高龄,在年逾7旬的儿子陪伴下,乘“老年夕阳号”特别慢车游遍了大半个中国,在人生的最后阶段迸发出最璀璨的光芒。 吴慧珍出生于1902年,1997年其丈夫去世。她与长子王一民生活在大兴安岭地区塔河县。王一民在老伴病故后,打算自己骑着自行车看看外面的世界,没想到老母亲也希望儿子带着她一起周游世界。王一民自己组装了一辆三轮车,并为其起了一个特别的名字“老年夕阳号”特别慢车。</SPAN> 2000年5月1日,74岁的王一民骑三轮车带着母亲上路。他以每天30公里至40公里的速度向南直到海南,再北上到青岛过冬,行程两万多公里。母子俩克服了各种困难险阻,看到了祖国各地人民安居乐业、经济发展的景象,亲身体验了电视直播、计算机上网等做梦都没有想过的新鲜事。</SPAN> 在中央电视台参加了“新闻会客厅”节目的录制后,母子俩计划西行。可吴慧珍的身体状况却不比以往。2003年12月初,母子俩回到了哈尔滨,老母亲在哈尔滨电机厂医院住院治疗,因为心肺功能衰竭,于2003年12月30日去世。</ |
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