> Cardamom is one of UGG Shoes finest spices and also one of UGG
Shoes most expensive. From Dioscorides and Pliny we know that it
was used by UGG Shoes ancient Greeks and Romans. In UGG Shoes
Middle Ages people believed cardamom herb had medicinal properties
that would heal practically every disease. ugg boots However, it
was not until UGG Shoes 5th century A.D. that it began to be
shipped to Europe from Alexandria, being sold UGG Shoesre by
Arabian merchants. From UGG Shoes 9th century onwards clove became
a fashionable spice used by wealthy families.ugg boots The tender,
juicy young leaves may be minced and used UGG Shoes same as chives
in sandwiches, in cream cheeses, on boiled, buttered potatoes and
as a garnish on cold meats. The ovate seeds, up to 1.5 mm long, are
used in Iran, India, Greece, souU 阅读全文>> |
4月6日,我们起了个大早,6,7点我就醒了,好像自从上个大学后就再也没有这么早起过了.堕落啊.在前一晚我们就研究好了路线图,东京的交通虽然很繁华很复杂,但是很好找,因为基础设施很完善,标示牌很多,而且大多数都带有中文字,所以有种说法,只要能看懂华语,就不会在东京迷路.不过,在机场出海关之前,我们还是很英明的向柜台索要了中文的地图和向导,上次去泰国就忘记要了,结果吃了很多苦头 7点吃早餐,终于吃到了传说中的泡面,还有比较常见到的明治牛乳,泡面味道很不错的说 拿着地图,很容易就找到了地方,本来还想交代下具体路线,但是时代久远,一不小心就忘记了... 8号地铁站入口,要出发啦,好激动啊,可以去迪斯尼乐园玩了,好期待啊. 自动售票机,在售票机所靠着的墙壁上面,有图纸显示去各个地方的价格.根据价格投币.但是前提是要找对线路.如果没记错的话,应该总共有16条线路,通往东京各处. 终于轮到我出镜了哈哈.进了迪斯尼乐园的大门,就可以坐上这个可爱的轻轨车直奔迪斯尼陆地乐园了. 上瘾了,再来张.我的背后就是disneyland的入口了.disneyland已经建成很多年,名声在外,因此人非常多,平均每个娱乐项目都要排半个小时以上的队伍了,排队时间 |
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