</SPAN> 推荐理由</STRONG>:这是一篇不错的文章,当然不是我翻译的,里面的内容很适合在减脂中正在平台期挣扎,或是经过很久的努力而没有看到效果的人们。但是,这只是一种方法,具体的见效成果还得和你的训练计划紧密的联系在一起。</SPAN> 看了很多增肌的译文,觉得在减脂方面文章较少,把正在着手研究的间歇训练法的文章翻译了一篇,供大家探讨。文章很容易理解,理论性也不是很深刻,适合了解和尝试新方法的人品味。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>Interval Training for Weight Loss and Fitness</SPAN> </SPAN>减脂健身的间歇训练法</SPAN> </SPAN>by Maia Appleby作者“Maia Appleby”</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>The theory behind interval training is this: By mixing bursts of high intensity work with low intensity periods of recovery, you're overloading both the aerobic and anaerobic systems at the same time, getting the benefits of both aspects of training simultaneously. You can realistically get a complete workout in thirty minutes with interval training.</SPAN> </SPAN> 间歇训练法背后的理论是这样的:通过多组高强度的爆发期和低强度的恢复期的组合训练,使你的有氧和无氧系统同时进行运转,从而同时取得有氧和无氧的训练效果。用间歇训练法在三十分钟内,你就能确实的得到完全训练目的。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>How is it done?</SPAN> </SPAN>如何进行训练呢?</SPAN> </SPAN>Begin as you would on any other day. Start at an easy pace and gradually increase your heart rate for at least five minutes. You can monitor this by taking your pulse for fifteen seconds and multiplying it by four or using a heart rate monitor When you're sufficiently warmed up, you're ready for a burst of high intensity work. If you're on a treadmill, break into a jog or a sprint, depending on what "high intensity" means to you.</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> 从你觉得合适的任意一天开始,持续至少5分钟内,保持轻松的步调并逐渐得增加你的心率。可以通过数脉搏15秒,然后把数出来的脉搏数乘以4来计算,或者也可以通过其他的心跳检测来得知心率。当热身比较充分了,就可以开始高强度爆发期训练的了。如果你在跑台上,马上改变为“慢跑”或者“冲刺”的速度,当然这取决于对你来说什么算是“高强度”。(体质弱的,也许慢跑就已经是高强度了,译者注)</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>During the high intensity periods, you're decreasing your body's ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. You begin to feel the "burn" as your body eliminates lactic acid (a toxic by-product) and your muscles begin to lose their ability to contract. You wouldn't physically be able to maintain this level of intensity for long.</SPAN> </SPAN> 在这样的高强度期,你自身的氧气和二氧化碳置换功能会逐步降低,当体内消耗乳酸(无氧的毒产物)的时候会觉得像“燃烧”一样,肌肉的收缩功能开始降低。身体无法保持这样的高强度很长时间。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>When you begin to wear your muscles out, decrease the intensity level to something that you could maintain for a longer period. Don't slow down so much that your pulse dips too low, though, or you will lose the aerobic effect completely. Now, you're in the "active recovery period". Your body's ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide increases and it can deliver nutrients to your muscles. The burn goes away and your breathing and heart rate slow down slightly. You have completed one cycle.</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> 当你开始意识到你的肌肉不行了,把降低强度到你可以长时间保持的水平。但是也不要降的太低,否则心率掉的太多就会完全失去有氧的功能。在这个相对低强度的期,就是上面所提到的“积极恢复期”。身体中氧气和二氧化碳的置换功能开始增加,而且身体开始运送营养物质到肌肉中去。燃烧感没有了,气息和心率也会稍稍下降一点。这样你就完成了一个循环。(高强度爆发+低强度恢复=1个循环,译者注)</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>Repeat this process of maxing out and recovering your anaerobic system for at least thirty minutes. The high intensity periods should be shorter than the active recovery periods, especially at first. You might walk for five minutes and then run for one when you begin to introduce your body to this type of training. As you become more adept, increase the time you spend in high intensity periods. Forcing yourself to sustain long periods of high intensity activity is dangerous, so do use caution and work yourself up gradually.</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> 重复这个爆发到体竭和无氧恢复的这个过程至少三十分钟。高强度期是会比积极恢复期要短一些时间的,尤其是第一次做间歇训练,身体刚接触这样的内容,可能要走5分钟,然后冲刺1分钟。之后随着训练次数的增加,身体会逐渐做出适应的调整,从而使高强度期的时间增长。专注于忍受长时间的高强度期内容是很危险的(因为强度太大,过份坚持会出事的,译者注),一定要按照循序渐进和量力而行的原则进行。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>Why is it good? Here are four big reasons:</SPAN> </SPAN>间歇训练法好在哪?有四大理由。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>1. It saves time. If you normally spend an hour and a half in the gym following the traditional sequence, you'll work yourself just as hard in 45 minutes with interval training. Finding time to exercise is a big problem for (I dare say) most people. Here's a great solution.</SPAN> </SPAN>1、省时。如果你平常花1个半小时在健身房按照传统的循序练,那么你只要通过间歇训练45分钟就可以达到同样的强度。对于大多数人来说,挤时间来训练是个大问题。用间歇训练就是很好的办法。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>2. It's a great way to get beyond a plateau. I'm by no means claiming that interval training is better than the traditional, tried-and-true warm-up, weight training, cool-down sequence, but when you stop seeing improvements in your physical condition, it's time to do something new and different. Throwing a couple days of interval training into your exercise regimen each week tells your body that it's time to get over the plateau and make additional progress.</SPAN> </SPAN>2、是度过平台期的好方法。我不是说间歇训练比冗长乏味但是肯定有效果的,先热身然后减重训练再放松的传统方法更好,但是当你看不到你的身体有任何改变的时候,就该做点新的不一样的训练方法了。把每周训练日程中插几天的间歇训练,来告诉身体是时候渡过平台期,继续见到成绩了。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>3. It combats monotony. Once a routine gets boring, you might decide to do different weight lifting exercises or change around your aerobic activities. You might stop using weight machines and switch exclusively to free weights. Interval training can help you during the transition period between one exercise program and another. It's fun, and the time flies by during each session, because you're working in cycles of high and low intensity work instead of spending a long period of time at any one activity.</SPAN> </SPAN>3、它挑战乏味。一旦常规内容开始让你觉得枯燥,你就可能会去做不同的力量推举练习,或者改变有氧的内容。你也可能会停止用使用重量器械并把重量调到零重。间歇训练可以帮助你从一种训练程序过渡到另一种。这样很有意思,时间也会过得飞快,因为你用两种强度内容在训练而不是原来长期的一个训练内容。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>4. It's easy! You can do an entire workout without moving from one spot. You set your own rules, using your body's cues, so you feel completely in control of the workout. There's no counting involved and the time seems to go by much more quickly.</SPAN> </SPAN> 4、间歇训练很简单。你不用转换训练地点就可以完成一整个的训练日程。你用自己的身体状况在制定自己的训练原则,因此你会感觉完全是自己在主宰训练,训练中也没有计数的要求,时间也过得能快点。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>How can it help me lose weight?</SPAN> </SPAN>间歇训练怎么让我减脂呢?</SPAN> </SPAN>By challenging both you aerobic and anaerobic systems simultaneously, you're improving your body's ability to burn calories by leaps and bounds. You're adding new muscle, which speeds up your metabolism of fat in general. You're getting an aerobic workout that burns lots of calories. You're pushing yourself beyond any plateaus that you may have hit doing the same thing over and over again. Your body is becoming a more efficient fat-burning machine.</SPAN> </SPAN>通过同时挑战有氧和无氧系统,你在让身体的燃烧卡路里的功能飞快的提高。(大幅度提高代谢率,译者注)你在增加新的肌肉,使整体脂肪加速新陈代谢。你在进行大量燃烧卡路里的有氧训练,你在把自己往超越反反复复的平台期的方向推动。你的身体正在变成一个更有效率的脂肪燃烧机器。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>What activities can I use for interval training?</SPAN> </SPAN>什么运动内容可以使用间歇训练呢?</SPAN> </SPAN>The possibilities are endless, but the most practical are probably walking/running, other cardiovascular machines like stair steppers, elliptical trainers and stationary bikes, aerobic exercise, water exercise and things like that. You could even incorporate it into jumping rope or a sport like racquetball. If you want to be creative, you can really make fitness fun.</SPAN> </SPAN>这种可能性是无尽的,但是对实际和可能的就是走或跑,其它(改善)心血管器械如台阶器,椭圆机,自行车机, 有氧练习(有氧操),水下练习(水中有氧)等等类似的。你甚至可以用跳绳和手球式壁球来组合。如果你真的很有创造性,你就可以把健身做的很有趣味性。</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN>How often should I do it?</SPAN> </SPAN>做间歇训练的频率是怎么样的?</SPAN> </SPAN>If you're a beginner, throw in one session a week, along with your normal routine. If you're more seasoned, two or three times a week is great. This is a demanding form of exercise, so use common sense and listen to your body.</SPAN> </SPAN>如果你是初学者,随着你正常的训练周期,每周做一次训练就好。如果你是个老手了,每周两三次就很棒了。这是一种需求型的训练(自己把握自己的训练。译者注),所以要听从身体和感官的。(跟着感觉走,不要勉强自己。译者注)</SPAN> </SPAN>When you're finished with your workout (and you'll be surprised at how quickly you get out of the gym doing this), your muscles have been taxed in a brand new way and need to be stretched. Don't skip this part! You'll feel great when you leave, and your body will thank you by improving its condition to prepare itself for the next time.</SPAN> </SPAN>当你的训练结束了(你会很惊讶做这个训练这么快就完成了),你的肌肉会有全新的疲劳负担感,需要进行伸展了。别跳过这个环节!当你离开健身房的时候,你的身体会因为你做好下一次训练的准备而感激你的。</SPAN> </SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
中国足球唯有彻底裸奔或许可以救治!</STRONG> </STRONG> 中国足球,不要总去想着重返什么一流,就目前中国足球整体的生存环境而言,已到男女老幼裸奔到底的局面,不好特别强调什么重返一流,否则,不只是要让球迷们笑掉大牙,还有些海市蜃楼的虚幻和自欺欺人。 中国足球要想重新振作,就要鼓励整体足球环境讲实话说真话;实事求是的说,就在南长官掌管中国足球的大方向以来,诸如联赛赞助商,联赛的上座率,国足三线主教练的人选,重返亚洲一流的信心和勇气确实是体现出的不少,但是,凡事讲到但是的时候估计也就离着批评不远了,但是,中国足球多年的毛病和习惯以及落后,绝不是几句口号就可以轻易改变的,这不,继男女国足、国奥全部歇菜以来,中超俱乐部在亚冠全部折戟之后,立马又有女青也扯掉遮羞布,还没完呢,接茬还有国少和国青呢,估计也是凶多吉少难免死里难逃。 如此,我们还是来点实际的吧,且不管成年队的尴尬,就连以往尚有一丝游气的国青和国少,也像是感染了甲型流感一样,自从2004年以来也是全军皆墨无一漏网,全线感冒发烧,再也没有一支球队能够有实力到世界大赛上长长见识,这不仅 |
湘西芙蓉镇、猛洞河旅游记[组图][原创]</SPAN>![]() 8月15日周六,早上8点,我们18人乘车去湘西王村,10点到达张家界永定区,天门山索道吊笼从我们头上经过,市区车水马龙;12点10分到达芙蓉镇王村大酒店中餐,下午1点20分去猛洞河飘游起点,2点排队,换衣,3点开始登上充气皮舟漂游. 猛洞河风景区位于湘西永顺县境内的沅水上游酉水中段。自风滩水电站建成后形成高峡平湖。上起不二门,下至龙门峡,全长100多公里,景区面积255平方 公里。平湖两岸石壁耸峙,古木参天,溶洞密布,怪石嶙峋,有龙门峡、观音洞、八音石瓜洞、金狮洞、鸳鸯峡、金蟾洞、断臂石、三月鼎寺、小龙洞、大圣峡、阴 阳神风洞、猴儿跳、仙女峡、风流岩、老司岩等15个主要景点。有山有水,素有“九九八拐疑无路,五五潭滩一线天”之称。尤其是漂流有惊无险,紧张刺激。 猛洞河漂流 被全国人大副委员长费孝通誉为“天下第一漂”的猛洞河漂流就在这里,在原始次生林的高山峡谷之中,身着救身衣、乘皮舟、闯险滩、博激流、沿途观美景、 沐瀑流、打“水仗”、过峡关。原始的奇伟 |
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