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, A make out B figure out C think out D find out they have ____most carefully the time and materials deeded to complete the project A pocked out B taken out C left out D figured out y dont you bring ___to his attention that you are too busy to do it ? A this B what C that D it while reading dont stop to look uop the new words in your dictionary_____. A now and then B by and by C step bu step D more or less he ___full marks but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake. A must have gained B can have gained C could have gained D must gain taps:retro jordan shoes</STRONG>-retro jordan 19</STRONG>-jordan retro 14</STRONG>-air jordan 2</STRONG>-jordan shoes</STRONG> 阅读全文>> |
原料</STRONG>:黄鳝,大蒜瓣,葱 调料</STRONG>:老抽,黄酒,糖,食用油 做法</STRONG>: 1. 黄鳝洗净,切段; 2. 锅中放油烧热,下大蒜瓣爆香; 3. 下黄鳝段爆炒,加黄酒; 4. 加入老抽,白糖,上色后加少量水烧开; 5. 盖上锅盖中火焖煮5分钟; 6. 大火将汁收稠,起锅前加少量麻油; 7. 装盘,洒少量葱花即可 原文地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4cfac3180100al1n.html 赶快试试吧,做一道属于你的蒜爆鳝背。 |
河源市紫金县敬梓镇田头村农民近日先后抓到窜入其农场准备偷吃鸡鸭的两条“母子”蟒蛇,并主动将两条蟒蛇交由当地林业公安分局民警放生于当地白溪自然生态保护区内。 今年8月28日和9月2日上午9时许,敬梓镇田头村村民黄天维、黄启光先后在自家的山上农场里,发现两条一大一小的蟒蛇闯进农场准备偷吃鸡鸭,便将两条贪嘴的蟒蛇先后“抓获归案”。 黄启光说,去年同一时间,在农场相距约1公里的山上,他曾经发现并捉住一条重达30多斤的大蟒蛇。此前,这条大蟒蛇下山来偷吃了他们饲养的鸭、鹅和狗,其中被吃掉的鹅、狗都有10多斤重。 经称量体重,被抓获的小蟒蛇重0.35公斤,大蟒蛇为12公斤。日前,两位村民已将国家一级保护动物——两条“母子”蟒蛇,主动交由紫金县林业公安分局并派员将其放回大自然。 |
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