文上“发财”,只为卖高价 看着很美丽,其实很残忍 小鱼儿的身上“长”出了绿叶红花 9月1日,长沙市花鸟鱼市场,很多水族馆内都在销售一种“文身鱼” 最近,在长春市青怡坊鱼市内,出现了一些文着各种吉祥话和美丽花纹的鱼。可爱的鱼儿游在水中,身上的文身虽然美丽,但看着又多少让人感到有些揪心。 昨日下午,记者来到青怡坊鱼市,看到一些店里的鱼缸内都有这种文身的鱼出售。这些鱼儿身上分别文有“吉祥如意”、“恭喜发财”等字样,有些小鱼身上文的还是彩色纹理和花草图案。文身鱼基本上是热带鱼,多数文在名为“招财鹦鹉”的小鱼身上,这些鱼长约10厘米。据店家介绍,这些鱼最大的可以长到30厘米长,而且文身不会褪色。 这种鱼文身前一条只卖5元钱,而文身后却身价倍增,一条竟卖到20元。如果顾客相中了四个字的吉祥话,那就一定要买齐4条鱼才能完整,这还真是一举两得的促销办法。 阅读全文>> |
Passed sixth NBA season, most teams expose
towering, on the right track; weak teams began to put some bad, in
order to begin planning the reconstruction, but every year several
teams from the reconstruction into you eyes, to join the ranks of
the playoffs. The sudden emergence of the club, we are accustomed
to call it the dark horse. Dark horse from the very beginning horse race in the past. Refers to the turf had not been optimistic about the horses, but it can make decisions in the game most of bug-eyed, to become an unexpected winner. Came to be widely used in sports events and political campaign, the metaphor of strength unpredictable competitors or unexpected winners. In sports competitions, there are many dark horse, turned out to dark horse has become a sports competition in one of the most eye-catching, most talk about funding landscape. But the NBA because of its long 82 games, spanning over half a year, often occur early in the season to the f...阅读全文>> |
十一月末,对于我来说是一个狂欢的季节:翘首期盼的广州车展就要开幕了。然而在上个周末,身处东莞的我收获另外一份惊喜:在现场看到了长安福特大篷车的巡演。一边是香车美女的视觉盛宴,一边学到了安全节油的知识,真是两全其美,美不胜收。 上周六,原本应该在家休息的我临时被老板抓丁,跑出去忙活了半天。等忙完手里的活,已经是下午一点多了。无奈之下,我便在外面草草吃了点东西,忽然想起长安福特大篷车巡演就在附近。作为一个爱车族的我来说,这样的好机会怎能错过呢?于是乎,我便急忙赶往巡演现场:东湖花园沃尔玛购物广场。 刚走到现场,就被乌压压的人群吓坏了:原来喜欢看长安福特的人这么多啊。心中不禁猜测,这里面是看车的多呢,还是看车模的人多呢。现场的工作人员真是细心,给每位到场的人详细讲解着关于长安福特的信息。你瞅,这位大哥就听得津津有味呢。 世有汽车,然后又车模。然后发展到如今,似乎很多人对车模的兴趣超过了汽车;而我就是其中的一位。到了巡演现场,各种款式的福特车,传说中二十多米长的大篷车,都让我打开眼界,但最吸引我的还是大篷车上美女们的劲舞。可能是因为十月末的严寒,美女们没有太“ |
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