优点:你可完全控制插入的快慢和角度,掌握高潮的来临。如要达到强烈的G点高潮,请尽可能把身体拗后,并以双手承托体重,更可放一两个枕头于他的头下,让他能更清楚地看到你的表情。</STRONG> 他躺下,双脚伸直,头下放一个枕头以让他能看到动作进行。你跨坐他身上,面向他的腿,手掌着地以作支撑。当你扭动时,由他抓紧你的大腿或臀部。</STRONG> 优点:你可完全控制一切,包括速度和角度,因而更易达到G点高潮,而他也乐于毫不费力地“坐享其成”。</STRONG> 这是男人射精的真正原因。在阴茎下边就是睾丸了(球球、蛋蛋,随你怎么叫都行,只是不要忽略了它们的重要性)。睾丸对痛觉特别敏感,而且一般认为在性刺激的过程当中只是起了辅助的作用。错了!事实上,只要你对它们正确对待,同样可让你的伴侣达到快乐的至高点。比如将它们含在嘴里,含一个甚至同时两个。所以注意他的阴茎,仔细研究它,完全掌握他身上的最敏感地带,准备将你的性知识在他身上施展开来。在你俯身在他的性器前时,好好运用你的舌,你的唇。快感部位在吮吸你爱侣阴茎让他充分体验快感时,技巧是很重要的。当他那坚硬的阳具高傲地指向天花板时,用一只手捧住他的睾丸,同时轻轻地、软软地、小心地用且仅用你的舌去舔他那直立性器的下侧。当你的舌舔及他的软沟部位时,会发现这里能给予他极度的快乐。除非你的伴侣是用石头做的,不然当你的舌一路游走时,一定会发现那个区域让他最感愉快。一旦找到了最让他兴奋的点,则在那里集中你的精力。对大部分男人而言,最敏感的地带在于包皮切割手术前龟头最外缘与包皮相连的地方。用你湿润的舌不断地来回舔及轻击这里,你可以令他喷射。如果你 阅读全文>> |
SHANE BATTIER PEAK BLOG 10.18.09 I am back from my hamstring injury that I suffered on the first day of practice. It has taken me a few days to get back into rhythm, but I feel pretty good now. The first game I played against the Milwaukee Bucks, I fell down on the first 4 possessions of the game. I had no balance. It sounds strange, but even missing a week throws off your timing and balance. In my second game, I made 8 of 9 three pointers and had a game high 26 points. I have never had a shooting game like the game I had against the Raptors, I just felt like I couldn't miss! The bad news is that it was only a preseason game, the good news is that I proved that I am capable of having games like the one against the Raptors. My coaches were joking with me after the game that they are expecting 8 for 9 from three point land from now on, haha. I told them no problem. Our team is still trying to forge our identity. We have so many new players, we are stil...阅读全文>> |
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