建议大家看一看这一地址,说实话,我本人举双手赞成目前的足坛反赌风暴,但今天看了这一视频,是非常的失望。 正如目前的反赌一样,重要的是证据,信口雌黄的记者(佳宾),你说话是要负责任的,有证据的。单凭排兵布阵真是太滑稽了,你不赞成老米的排阵,就称是假, 阅读全文>> | Breaking Exclusive: Allen
Iverson Retirement Statement
25, 2009 TO ALL OF MY FANS: I would like to announce my plans to retire from the National Basketball Association. I always thought that when I left the game, it would be because I couldn’t help my team the way that I was accustomed to. However, that is not the case. I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level. Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I’ve ever achieved on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my greatest gift. I want to thank the people of Reebok International Ltd., for always allowing me to be me and for supporting me my whole career through ...阅读全文>> |
先写点号外:</STRONG> 妹夫返沪,公公让捎了100颗土鸡蛋。小Q午觉醒来时,我们正在把那些鸡蛋拿出来一个一个检查有无碰破的。这孩子,从小到大,哪见过这么多鸡蛋啊,一下子兴奋的喊了起来:哇,爷爷给我下了那么多蛋!</STRONG> 小Q忽然高烧,直达39度,没任何其他不适。 医生说扁桃体发炎。挂了3天的点滴。今天总算是不烧了。 谢天谢地啊! 不过,新问题又出现了。小Q的右腿莫名走路一拐一拐的。 拍了片也无异常。医生说,滑膜炎,回家让他卧床休息三天,不好来找我。连给我解释什么是滑膜炎的时间都没有,就直接叫下一位了! 在网上搜了下,原来有些宝宝在感冒发烧后的确会有关节部位疼痛导致走路异常的。还有这种炎的,真是长见识了! 新闻里说市一医院最近日接诊量达历史最高记录。 哪个医院不是这样呢,人山人海,挂号,诊疗,取药,输液,上厕所!一等起码得半个小时!那么密集的病号人流量,好人也被等出病了。 我就是例子。带小Q挂了三天盐水,他好了,我倒下了。 不发烧,却感觉像生活在北极,全身冷的恨不能把被子都裹来御寒。嗓子也在一夜之间哑掉了,不用力根本就发不出声音,胃口也没了。不过,比比小Q,我倒不觉得自己可怜。 他今天被要求彻底休息,几乎不准下地走路,不是被抱就是强行被坐,这对这个好动的小朋友来说,不是天降宠爱啊,而是折磨。好在对他频繁落地违规行为,老娘嗓子哑了,吼也吼不动,他倒少挨了许多骂。 |
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