09-30 17:30 未 浦項制鐵 VS
賓約哥 3 亞冠盃 09-30 18:00 未 名古屋八鯨 VS 川崎前鋒 30 亞冠盃 09-30 19:30 未 FC首爾 VS 烏姆沙拉爾 30 U20世青賽 09-30 22:00 未 澳洲(U20) VS 哥斯達黎加(U20) 3 冠軍盃 10-01 00:30 未 莫斯科中央陸軍 VS 比錫達斯 3 U20世青賽 10-01 00:45 未 巴西(U20) VS 捷克(U20) 3 U20世青賽 10-01 00:45 未 匈牙利(U20) VS 南非(U20) 31 亞冠盃 10-01 01:10 未 伊蒂哈德 VS 塔什幹棉農 3 荷 甲 10-01 02:00 未 NEC尼美根 VS 烏德勒支 31 冠軍盃 10-01 02:45 未 AC米蘭 VS 蘇黎世 3 冠軍盃 10-01 02:45 未 波圖 VS 馬德里體育會 3 冠軍盃 10-01 02:45 未 波爾多 VS 海法馬卡比 31 冠軍盃 10-01 02:45 未 拜仁慕尼黑 VS 祖雲達斯 30 冠軍盃 10-01 02:45 未 曼聯 VS 沃爾夫斯堡 阅读全文>> |
大湘西是湖南省西部武陵、雪峰两大山脉和沅水、澧水两大水系的汇聚之地,包括张家界、湘西自治州、怀化、邵阳和常德五个市州。大湘西旅游经济协作区是五个市州在省委省政府的正确领导和省旅游局的指导协调下,适应现代旅游发展趋势,本着优势互补、互利共赢、平等协作、共同发展的宗旨,加强区域协作,共同打造的具有国际品质的区域旅游品牌。 一、打造具有国际品质的大湘西旅游经济协作区,是加快湖南发展的重大战略选择</STRONG> 加快建设大湘西旅游经济协作区,符合湖南整体发展布局,符合旅游产业发展趋势,符合大湘西区域实际,有利于培育全省新的重要增长极,势在必行、适逢其时。 打造大湘西旅游经济协作区,是全省区域发展战略的补充完善。建设大湘西旅游经济协作区,既是大湘西自身发展的需要,也是湖南科学跨越的需要。在“3+5”城市群的旁边,打造以生态休闲为主的大湘西旅游经济协作区,对全省区域发展战略也是很好的补充和完善,人们可以在“3+5”城市群创业发财,然后到大湘西旅游经济协作区休闲旅游,两大功能区完全可以实现无缝对接、功能互补、相得益彰。 打 |
【转载地址:http://www.fernandoalonso.com/DEFAULT2_i.cfm?seccion=0】 Great qualifying for Fernando Alonso in Singapore. After his chances were not too clear when by the morning he was 15th in the third free practice, Fernando could recover and finally not only went to Q3 but he stood among the five heading. Q1 was the most complicated moment for Fernando. There he was 14th. in a session tremendously matched. He was at less than a second from Hamilton (1.46.977 against Alonso’s 1.47.757) but the position did not give him much trust for Q2. However, there he could improve remarkably what he did in Q1, achieving that 1.46.767 which put him in the sixth position at less than six tenths from Rosberg (1.46.197). In the definitive Q3 and already with the fuel loads for the race, Fernando got his best time before the final try with super-soft tyres although used (1.49.054) which were saved for those decisive minutes. But the accident of Barrichello halted...阅读全文>> |
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