2007复试桥牌法介绍 二、定义 三、1:牌--牌张大小和花色等级、2:复式桥牌牌套、3:牌桌的安排、4:搭档、5:座位的安排 四、6:洗牌和发牌、7:牌套和牌张的管理、8:各轮的顺序、9:违规后的处理程序、10:判罚的认定 五、11:处罚权的丧失、12: 裁判的斟酌权、13: 牌张数目有误、14:缺失牌张、15:错打牌局 六、16:合法和非法信息、17:竞叫阶段、18:实质叫牌、19:加倍和再加倍 七、20:叫牌的复述与解释、21:根据错误信息所做的叫牌、22:竞叫结束后的程序、23:洞察潜在危害、24:牌张暴露或者打牌前引牌、25:合法的和非法的更改叫牌 第二十条至二十五条</SPAN> LAW 20 - REVIEW AND EXPLANATION OF CALLS 第20条:叫牌的复述与解释</STRONG> A. Call Not Clearly Recognized A:未明了叫牌 A player may require clarification forthwith if he is in doubt what call has been made. 如果牌手对已经做出的叫牌有疑惑,可以要求澄清。 B. Review of Auction during Auction Period B:竞叫过程中的竞叫复述 During the auction period, a player is entitled to have all previous calls restated* when it is his turn to call, unless he is required by law to pass. Alerts should be included when responding to the request. A player may not ask for a partial review of previous calls and may not halt the review before it is completed. 竞叫期间,除非他依照规则(受罚)不叫,一个牌手当轮到其叫牌时有权要求复述以前所有叫牌。要求复述中包含相应的提醒。一个牌手不能要求复述之前部分叫牌,并且在全部所有复述完毕前不能打断其复述。 C. Review after Final Pass C:最终不叫后的复述 1. After the final pass either defender has the right to ask if it is his opening lead (see Laws 47E and 41). 1. 最终不叫后,防守方任一牌手都有权力询问是否是其首引(参见第47条E和第41条)。 2. Declarer** or either defender may, at his first turn to play, require all previous calls to be restated*. (See Laws 41B and 41C). As in B the player may not ask for only a partial restatement or halt the review. 2. 庄家**或者任一防守方当轮到其打牌时,可以要求重新复述*之前所有叫牌。(参见第41条B和第41条C)。如B款所述,牌手不能要求复述部分叫牌或者打断复述。 D. Who May Review the Auction D. 谁可以复述竞叫 A request to have calls restated* shall be responded to only by an opponent. 一个复述*要求只能由一个对手来作答。 E. Correction of Error in Review E. 复述错误的改正 All players, including dummy or a player required by law to pass, are responsible for prompt correction of errors in restatement* (see Law 12C1 when an uncorrected review causes damage). 所有牌手,包括明手或根据规则(受罚)不叫的牌手,都可以纠正复述*中的错误(当不正确的复述导致损失时,参见第12条C1) F. Explanation of Calls F. 叫牌的解释 1、During the auction and before the final pass, any player may request, but only at his own turn to call, an explanation of the opponents’prior auction. He is entitled to know about calls actually made, about relevant alternative calls available that were not made, and about relevant inferences from the choice of action where these are matters of partnership understanding. Except on the instruction of the Director replies should be given by the partner of the player who made the call in question. The partner of a player who asks a question may not ask a supplementary question until his turn to call or play. Law 16 may apply and the Regulating Authority may establish regulations for written explanations. 1、竞叫期间,在最终不叫前,任何牌手当轮到其叫牌时都可要求解释对手解释之前叫牌。他有权力了解实际叫牌含义、相关可选择而未做出的叫牌、以及搭档间从所选择的竞叫中获取的推论。除裁判指令外,应该由叫牌牌手的搭档作答。直到轮到其叫牌或打牌前询问牌手的搭档不能补充询问。可根据第16条,并且赛事举办方可对书面解释做出规定。 2. After the final pass and throughout the play period, either defender at his own turn to play may request an explanation of the opposing auction. At his turn to play from his hand or from dummy declarer may request an explanation of a defender’s call or card play understandings. Explanations should be given on a like basis to 1 and by the partner of the player whose action is explained. 2、在最终不叫后以及打牌过程中,每一防守方在轮到其打牌时都可以要求对手解释其竞叫。在轮到其打牌时或从明手出牌时,庄家都可以要求防守一方解释其叫牌或其所打牌的含义。解释应基于一人完成并且是由做出该竞叫牌手的搭档解释。 3. Under 1 and 2 above a player may ask concerning a single call but Law 16B1 may apply. 3、1和2目中,一个牌手询问单一叫牌可能违反第16条B款1目。 4. If a player subsequently realizes that his own explanation was erroneous or incomplete he must call the Director immediately. The Director applies Law 21B or Law 40B4. 4、如果一个牌手随即意识到其自己所做的解释是错误的或者不完全的,他必须立即召请裁判。裁判可依据第21条B款或第40条B款4目做出裁决。 5. (a) A player whose partner has given a mistaken explanation may not correct the error during the auction, nor may he indicate in any manner that a mistake has been made. ‘Mistaken explanation’ here includes failure to alert or announce as regulations require or an alert (or an announcement) that regulations do not require. 5、(a)如果其搭档做出了一个错误解释,这个牌手不能在竞叫期间订正错误,并且不能以任何方式示意发生了错误。这里‘错误的解释’包括没有提醒或者依据规则没有声称或者按规则不需要的一个提醒(或一个声称)。 (b) The player must call the Director and inform his opponents that, in his opinion, his partner’s explanation was erroneous (see Law 75) but only at his first legal opportunity, which is (i) for a defender, at the end of the play. (ii) for declarer or dummy, after the final pass of the auction. (b)牌手必须招请裁判并且告知所有对手,在牌手自己看来,他的搭档的解释示错误的(参见规则第75条)但只能在其第一个合法机会采取行动。该牌手(i)是防守一方,在打牌结束后。(ii) 是庄家或明手,在竞叫最终不叫后。 6. If the Director judges that a player has based an action on misinformation given to him by an opponent see, as appropriate, Law 21 or Law 47E. 6、如果裁判断定一个牌手基于对手给他的错误信息采取了行动,将酌情按第21条或第47条E款处理。 G. Incorrect Procedure G:不正确程序 1. It is improper to ask a question solely for partner’s benefit. 1、仅仅有利于搭档而做出提问。 2. Except as the Regulating Authority allows a player may not consult his own system card and notes during the auction and play periods, but see Law 40B2(b). 2、除赛事举办方允许,在竞叫和打牌期间牌手不能查阅自己的叫牌系统和注解,参见第40条B款2目(b)寸。 * When the calls are not spoken responders must ensure that it is clear to an enquiring opponent what calls have been made. *当叫牌没有做出时,作答者必须确保询问对手清楚其所做的叫牌。 ** Declarer’s first turn to play is from dummy unless accepting an opening lead out of turn. **除非越序首引被接受,庄家应在第一次轮到其从明手打牌时。 LAW 21 - CALL BASED ON MISINFORMATION 第21条:根据错误信息所做叫牌</STRONG> A. Call Based on Caller’s Misunderstanding A:叫牌者因在自己误解而叫牌 No rectification or redress is due to a player who acts on the basis of his own misunderstanding. 牌手因自己误解作出的叫牌,无权提出修正或纠正。 B. Call Based on Misinformation from an 阅读全文>> |
见到神童就躲远点 在中国体育界,年龄问题永远讳莫如深,比问起女士的年龄还要讳莫如深。在中国体育界,登峰造极的不是奥运金牌战略,而是削尖脑瓜各出奇招的年龄造假攻略。 全国少年乒乓球比赛有34.7%的选手骨龄测试不过关只是体育界“年龄门”冰山的最新一角,如果对于“13岁”就夺得世乒赛双打第三名的神童还可以拿出中国人就是有乒乓天赋来自圆其说的话,对于少年足球选手一身的胸毛应该就不会那么好圆谎了。注重力量和爆发力的项目改小年龄,注重技巧和柔韧性的项目改大年龄,这基本是潜规则。 有人说年龄造假又不是假烟假酒,顶多类似隆胸隆鼻,骗的是自己又不伤害别人。而且,你改我改大家改,也就变成都不改,理它该不该。结果就是,国际体联最近准备对2000年悉尼奥运会时董芳霄和杨云的年龄问题旧账重提,中国足协在2002和2003年查出的超龄青少年球员就有近2700名。悲观一点说,除了性别,很少有不假的。 造假如果算一种行业,其悠久的历史估计只有杀手和妓女这两行可堪媲美。明代那位诬杀于谦的首辅大臣徐有贞,曾用名徐珵。早年他因为北京保卫战时主张迁都而不被重用,后改名才转运,并在诬陷于谦迎立襄王世子时发明了“虽无显迹,意有之”这句话,与秦桧的“莫须有”一样臭名昭著。做人和做事,徐有贞都将“造假”干得轰轰烈烈。 古往今来,造假背后都用强烈的谋利意图在驱使。年龄造假的好处,除了比赛中“以大欺小”、“以小博大”的便宜,更主要的是出成绩大家都有好处。选手有前途,体校有奖励。所以这次乒协肯自爆家丑,决心值得肯定,效果却不敢肯定。连续两次骨龄测试不合格就禁赛一年,处罚是否太轻?只对运动员处罚,幕后纵容甚至指使运动员修改年龄的教练和单位呢? 在体育界,年龄造假者往往不是最终的得利者,如果资质不够、天赋不高,即使他们混进了国家队、混进了国际赛场,最终也会泯然于众人。相对而言,输送人才的体校等单位才是即时获利者。因此,要打假,就该双管齐下,对造假运动员,虚报几岁就禁赛几年,对相关教练和保送单位,罚款禁赛甚至吊销资格。嫌处罚过重?反正是举国体育奥运战略,拿不到金牌、拿不到奖牌,要那么多伪神童干嘛? ·张文辉· ...阅读全文>> |
中国社会发展到今天这样的状态,在有可参照物前提下,应该说是历史必然。经济发展、信息无可遏制的开放、权力结构不适应经济的继续发展……都让社会矛盾凸显出来。在这样的状态中,人们出于对混乱的警惕与恐惧本能,提出了对理性的强烈要求,要求理性看待问题,要求理性对话。 理性指的是概念、判断、推理等思维能力及其指引下的行为控制能力。我们知道,一个正常人都拥有这样的能力。亚里士多德认为,人是理性的动物,理性是人的本能。既然如此,人们缘何还要如此担忧理性的缺失?还要如此大声呼吁理性的回归? 在个体上,理性能力可能有些差异,但这些差异是如此之小,因为人类有与其他物种的重要区别——学习能力。在我看来,在社会学意义上,我完全同意人人(正常人)天生拥有均等的理性能力的说法。只是,每个人的理性策略有所不同罢了。在社会关系中,个人利益最大化原则下,每个人都天然懂得维护自己的生命权力及个人利益,只是不同的经验习惯下不同的个体所采取的行动方式有所不同。 一群暴徒的疯狂行为,来自于他们确信这样的行为可能不受到追究与惩罚;一个律师的法律行动,来自于他们相信法律能够给他公平结果的信心;一个不屈不挠的 |
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