依林姐姐哦~~舞好棒,歌也好听~长的也好漂亮呐,好喜欢 她也不乏帅气的一面哦 她对工作也是异常认真哦,练舞都拉伤了,还是坚持着自己的工作,真的好佩服啊,然而面对社会上的种种舆论,她也是坚强的承担着。有人说她没有刚出到时的清纯,也因此不再喜欢她。然而对于这样的说法,本人并不是很认同。每个人都会随着年龄的增长而改变,我们不可能永远保持着以往的心态。面对着不同的人群,面对着不同的社会圈子,我们必须去适应这样的一个环境,否则就会被淘汰。所以我们不可以这样一味的凭着自己肤浅的想法去评论一个人的好坏,试想自己辛苦的付出,到头来得来的却是他人的恶言恶语,那样我们的心里会好受么?当然不会。每个人都有自己的想法,只是不要单单从片面的去评论别人,这样我们才会活的有深度…… 平日里习惯了与同学之间不分对错的争辩,习惯了闹别扭。可是现在连说话的机会都没有了,我们都要去到不同的城市读不同的学校了。现在回想起来还真有点后悔当初没有好好珍惜相处的机会,虽然只是同学间开开玩笑而已,但是长久的习惯便会很难去改变,要是以后也这样那就不好了。因为大家以后都会变,还是这样没头没脑的就太尴尬了。扯太远了,总之就是喜欢蔡依林,因为她对工作认真的态度与坚持…… 阅读全文>> |
![]() I was listening to a wine podcast and it mentioned one important thing that a wine newbie should know: How to Preserve Wine First we need to know why wine will go bad after a while. It is all because of the oxygen in the air, which will create oxidation with the wine particles. When that happens for more than several hours, wine will turn dull and eventually, vinegar-like. It reaffirmed that "newly opened wine should be breathed before serving" is a myth. The longer wine is exposed to oxygen, the worse it is for wine. The only time when wine should be in contact with oxygen is before drinking the wine. Swirling of the wine will allow oxygen to get into the wine. Swirl Swirling releases the esters, ethers, and aldehydes that combine with oxygen to yield the bouquet of the wine. In other words, swirling aerates the wine and gives you a better smell. ...阅读全文>> |
中国促进世界旅游业的发展</SPAN> China</SPAN> Gearing Up Growth in World Tourism</SPAN> 词:</SPAN>gear up</SPAN> 促进</SPAN> world tourism</SPAN> 世界旅游业</SPAN> </SPAN> 第一段:</SPAN>在过去的两年中,世界旅游业经历了恐怖主义、战争和疾病的打击。尽管如此,旅游业仍然有适度的发展。中国作为旅游目的地,正吸引着越来越多的游客,同时它也提供了大量出境游客,这为世界旅游业的发展提供了动力。</SPAN> 词汇:</SPAN>1</SPAN> 恐怖主义</SPAN> terrorism 2</SPAN> 战争</SPAN> battle war </SPAN> warfare 3</SPAN>疾病</SPAN> aliment disease</SPAN> </SPAN> 4</SPAN> 打击</SPAN> beat strick</SPAN> 1</SPAN>译:</SPAN>in the past two years, the world tourism has experienced the attack from torrestism</SPAN>(恐怖主义),</SPAN>wars and diseases. However, tourism st...阅读全文>> |
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