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«January 2025»
8/27/2012 8:37:00 AM [文化-历史] 分享



  Et le grant sieur de Cra

one  Et des autres moult grant fuysone . There they were quartered  A great part of the winter;  Most noble was the Castellan,  For many a sally and many an attack  They made against the castle;  For there was only a small meadow  Between it and the town:  There was the count de Lylle  And the count de Perigord,  Why should I say more?  How the Prince reassembled his forces and marched upon Saintonge and other parts of Gascony, and took certain forts and lords before the battle of Poitiers, and how the had reached the king of France.  The Prince then took up his quarters In Gascony, and remained there For the space of eight months or more, Very great were his virtues; But when the summer came He reassembled his forces, And made a march Upon Saintonge, I assure you, In Perigord aMichael Kors nd Quercy, And came to Romorantin; There he took the tower by assault And made prisoner monsieur Boucicault And the great lord of Craon, And very many others,  Plus de cc. en yot pris  Tout3 gent3 dannes de grant pris  Quinsje jour deuant le bataille  De Paitiers sache3 tout san3 faille  Apres chiuacha en Barri  Et parmy Gascoigne auxi  Et jesqes a Tours en Tourayn  Adonqes cest bien chose certeyn  Les nouels au roy Johan  Vindrent dont moult fist grant a han  Et dist qe poy se priseroit  Si grant vengeans nenprendoit.  Coment le roy de Fraunce fist assembler sa grant puissanMichael Kors Outlet ce et Charteres encontre le Prince et son poair et luy Prince ad pris son chemyn vers Paitiers et coment il prist deux countes et plusours autres furent pris et mort3.  Lors fist amsembler sa puissance  De tout le roy alme de France  Ny demora ne due ne counte  Ne baron dont homme fecist counte  Qe tout ne fesoit amasser  Et ensi come jay oy counter  Fuist fait a Chartres lassemblee  Noble gent yauoit amassee  Car ensi qe homme count lestille  Il en auoit plus de x. mille  De Chartres se sont departy  Et chiuachirent sans nulle si    More than two hundred were there taken,  All fighting men and valiant,  Five days before the battle  Of Poitiers, rest assured I speak truly:  Afterwards he rode in Berry,  And also in Gascony,  As far as Tours in Touraine;  Then it is certain that  The news reached king John,  Who was greatly moved  And said, that he should lightly esteem himself, If he took not great vengeance.  How the king of France assembled his great power at Chartres against the Prince and his forces, and the Prince had taken his route towards Poitiers, and how he took prisoners two counts, and many others were taken and slain.  ^ I i hen the French king gathered his forces  X From all the realm of France:  There demurred not duke nor count,  Nor Baron of any note,  But every one came,  And so, as I have heard,  The gathering was made at Chartres.  And a noble assemblage was there,  For according to the numbering,  There were more than ten thousand,  That departed from Chartres  And marched at once    Tout ensi par deuers Toures  Mout parfu noble lour atours  Lui Prince en oy nouels  Queux lui semblerent bones et beles  Deuers Paitiers prist son chemin  Moult oue lui menoit grant train  Car moult eurent fait damage  En France par lour grant baronage  Et sache3 qe le samdy  Le noble counte de Joygny  Ouesqe le counte Dantoire  Pist le Prince cest chose voire  Et combaterent vaillantent  Les Francois a lour logement  Mais ils feurent tout3 mort3 en pris  Ensement le dit lui escript3  Dount Englois fesoient grant joye  Parmy lour hoost si Dieux mauoie  Et lui roy Johan chiuacha  Tant qe le Prince adeuantcea  Et qe lun hoost lautre choisi  Et a ce qe je entendi  Lun deuant lautre se longerent  Et si trespres se herbergerent  Quils abnuroient par seint Piere  Lour chiuax a vn rivere.

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8/27/2012 8:35:00 AM [体育运动] 分享



 Car la feurent l.

uy meillour  En noble pais Dengleterre  Qe pur graunt loos et pris conquere  Si feurent vaillantement pronee  La furent pris pur veritee  Les plus noble barons de France  Et deceu de volentee france  Qe vnques mais le roy Dengleterre  Neust en vne heure tant afere  Come il eust en celle heure dadont  Car plusours gent3 recorde3 ont  Qe le roy eust este pris  Si neust este le Prince son filt3  Mais sa puissance et sa hautesse  Et la tresparfite proesse  Was called, of Pavia;  And there were of Picardy  And France all the nobles,  At least the greater number;  But there were, sooth to say,  The noble king to save,  And the noble Prince his son,  Who was right valiant and hardy:  There he fought valiantly,  So that he rescued in good truth  By his might the King his father.  There were put to the rout that night  Frenchmen and those of Picardy,  In preventing whose return  Many English took great delight,  For there were the best  Of the noble land of England,  Who to obtain honour and credit  Were most stoutly bent.  There were taken in good truth  The most noble barons of France;  And of his own free will  Never had the King of England  Had so busy an hour,  As hMichael Kors Outlet e had on this same day.  For many have said,  That the king would have been taken,  Had it not been for the Prince his son  But his strength and high bearing  And all perfect prowess  Rescoust iloeqes le roy son piere  Si ne doit par ceste matiere  Estre en nulle state oblie  Ore est bien droit qe je vous die.    Coment apres le rescous de Caleys le roy Dengleterre oue son poair retourna apres ceo auint la bataille sur la mer et la furent les Espainardes occi3 et descoumfit3.  n Engleterre retournerent  Et moult grant joie demenerent  Et tout5 les dames auxi  La roygne les festoia  Qe son Seignour de coer ama  Done dist le roy a sa muliere  Dame car veullie3 festoier  Votre filt3 car jeo feusse pris  Si neust estee par son grant pris  Mais par lui fui jeo socurru;,  Sire fait ele bien venu3  Soit il et vous auxi a moy  Si mest auis qe dire doy  A bone heure fuist il nee3  La feurent conioy assete3  Luy chiualer et luy baron  Damiser et festoier y veist homme  Et faire festes et reueaux  Moult pafuy bon le temps entre eaux  Et la fuist amours et noblesse  Et joliette et proesse  Grant joie firent loure amy  Rescued there the king his father.  So ought not this event  In anywise to be forgotten,  Now is it well fit that I tell you.    How after the recovery of Calais the king 500 of England with his forces returned home, and afterwards they had an engagement at sea witMichael Kors h the Spaniards, who were slain and put to flight.  To England the army returned,  Where very great joy awaited them; 505  Right glad were all their friends,  And all the ladies also;    The queen, who loved her lord from her heart,  Celebrated their return with festivities.  Then said the king to his wife, 510  e Lady dear, be pleased to entertain  Your son; for I should have been taken  Had it not been for his great emprise,  But by him was I rescued.'  'Sire' said she,' welcome 515  Are you both to me,  It is my mind, and I ought to say it,  In a good hour was he born.'  There was enough rejoicing together,  Knights and barons 520  Dancing and feasting might be seen  And entertainment and revels,  Much happy time was there passed;  There were deeds of love and nobleness,  Of pleasantry and of prowess. 525  Ensi demoerent longe temps  Tant qil auient jesqes a ceo temps  Q.e a lescluse assemble3 estoient  Niefs Despaigne queux sauantoient  De passer en despit du roy  Maugre luy et tout son arroy  Dount le roy par son vasselage  Fist assembler son graunt baronage  Et fist sur la mer vn arriuee  Gte moult fu de grant renomee  La estoit lui prince son filt3  Et maint bon chiualer de pris  Tout lui counte et tout l i baron  Et tout li chiualer de noun  La auoit batail fiere et dure  La lui dona Dieux auenture .




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