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«January 2025»
8/27/2012 8:30:00 AM [旅游天下] 分享


 Comment le cardinal de Pier

egos vient a Brismos oue grant clerchie a roy de Fraunce pur fair accord parentre luy et le Prince et sur ceo oie et entendu la  Straight towards Tours  In all noble array:  The news then reached the Prince,  And good tidings did they seem to him,  Towards Poitiers he took his way  And a great train with him;  Much damage had he  And his barons done in France  And know that on the Saturday  The noble count de Joigny  With the count d'Antoire  Came on the Prince's track,  And the Frenchmen fought  ValMichael Kors Outlet iantly at his very camp  But were all taken or slain;  At which, as the report is,  The English host made  Great rejoicings, so God save me.  The king John continued his march,  Until he got before the Prince,  And one army could distinguish the other;  And, as I have heard,  The one passed before the Michael Kors other,  And pitched their tents so near  That, by Saint Peter, they watered  Their horses at the same river.  How the cardinal de Perigord with many of clergy came to Brismos to the king of France to make peace between him and the Prince, and when he had heard the volunte et auis du roy de Fraunce sen  chiuacha le cardinal deuers le Prince pur meisme la cause.  Mais la endroit vient a Brysmos  Lui cardinal de Pieregos  Qui amesna ouesqe lui  Maint clerc et maint legasi    Doun doucement au roy de France 860  Ad dit de humble volunte france  Sire fait il pur lamoure de Dieu  Bone parole tient bon lieu  Car il vous plese a moy lesser    Qe je puisse aler chiuacher 865  Deuers le Prince pur aler  Si homme vous purroit accorder  Car certes ceste grant bataille  Tant serra horible san3 faille  Qe pite serra et damages 870  Et orgoilles et grant3 outrages  Qe tant beale creature  Faudra morir de grief mozt seure  Et si nepoit homme destourner  Morir de faille a lassembler 875  Dont certes countre enfaudra  Cely qui le tort en aura  Par deuant Dieu au jugement  Si le escripture ne ment  Dont respondi lui roy Johans 880  Cardinal moult este3 sachant3  Bien voillons qe vous yale3  Mais sache3 et bien entende3    wishes of the king of France the cardinal rode to the Prince upon the same errand.  But there then came straight to Brismos  The cardinal de Prigord  Who brought with him  Many of the clergy and followers  And spoke pleasantly to the king of France  With all humble frankness,  'Sire,' said he,'for the love of God,  A good word holds good place,  For if it please you to suffer me,  That I might ride  To the Prince to see if it be  Possible to make peace,  For certes this great battle  Will doubtless be so horrible,  That it will be very pitiful and sad,  Presumptuous and wicked,  That so many noble creatures  Should suffer certain death;  And if no one can avert  Their fall by preventing the meeting,  Then surely against him it must be  Who shall have done the wrong  Before the judgment seat of God,  If the Scriptures lie not.'  Upon which king John answered  'Cardinal, you have well advised,  And we are willing that you should go;  But understand thoroughly    La ne ferrons pas en notre vie  Si ne reauons en no baille  Les chastelx et tout la terre  (Je puis qil vient hors dengleterre  Nous ad gaste et exile3  A maluers droit et a piecie3  Et auxi quite la querelle  Dont la guerre se renouelle  Sire ce dist lui cardinaus  Tant ferrai qe bien serre3 saus  Et a suffice de votre droit  Lors se departi de la endroit.    Coment le cardinal chiuacha du roy de Fraunce  vers lost du Prince pur entraiter de la corde auant dit.    Vers lost du Prince chiuacha  Si tost qe vers lui arriua  Moult doucemeut lad saluee 900  Enplorant par graunt pite  Sire fait il pur Dieu merci  Car vous prendre3 a jour de hui merci  De si maint noble persone    Qe au jour de huy cest la some 905  Purroient ci perdre la vie  En ycest grant escormye  Fete3 tant qe ueie3 pas tort  Si homme vous poit mettre a acort  Dieux et la seinte Trinitee 910 Vous en purroit sauoir bon gre. 


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8/27/2012 8:35:00 AM [体育运动] 分享



 Car la feurent l.

uy meillour  En noble pais Dengleterre  Qe pur graunt loos et pris conquere  Si feurent vaillantement pronee  La furent pris pur veritee  Les plus noble barons de France  Et deceu de volentee france  Qe vnques mais le roy Dengleterre  Neust en vne heure tant afere  Come il eust en celle heure dadont  Car plusours gent3 recorde3 ont  Qe le roy eust este pris  Si neust este le Prince son filt3  Mais sa puissance et sa hautesse  Et la tresparfite proesse  Was called, of Pavia;  And there were of Picardy  And France all the nobles,  At least the greater number;  But there were, sooth to say,  The noble king to save,  And the noble Prince his son,  Who was right valiant and hardy:  There he fought valiantly,  So that he rescued in good truth  By his might the King his father.  There were put to the rout that night  Frenchmen and those of Picardy,  In preventing whose return  Many English took great delight,  For there were the best  Of the noble land of England,  Who to obtain honour and credit  Were most stoutly bent.  There were taken in good truth  The most noble barons of France;  And of his own free will  Never had the King of England  Had so busy an hour,  As hMichael Kors Outlet e had on this same day.  For many have said,  That the king would have been taken,  Had it not been for the Prince his son  But his strength and high bearing  And all perfect prowess  Rescoust iloeqes le roy son piere  Si ne doit par ceste matiere  Estre en nulle state oblie  Ore est bien droit qe je vous die.    Coment apres le rescous de Caleys le roy Dengleterre oue son poair retourna apres ceo auint la bataille sur la mer et la furent les Espainardes occi3 et descoumfit3.  n Engleterre retournerent  Et moult grant joie demenerent  Et tout5 les dames auxi  La roygne les festoia  Qe son Seignour de coer ama  Done dist le roy a sa muliere  Dame car veullie3 festoier  Votre filt3 car jeo feusse pris  Si neust estee par son grant pris  Mais par lui fui jeo socurru;,  Sire fait ele bien venu3  Soit il et vous auxi a moy  Si mest auis qe dire doy  A bone heure fuist il nee3  La feurent conioy assete3  Luy chiualer et luy baron  Damiser et festoier y veist homme  Et faire festes et reueaux  Moult pafuy bon le temps entre eaux  Et la fuist amours et noblesse  Et joliette et proesse  Grant joie firent loure amy  Rescued there the king his father.  So ought not this event  In anywise to be forgotten,  Now is it well fit that I tell you.    How after the recovery of Calais the king 500 of England with his forces returned home, and afterwards they had an engagement at sea witMichael Kors h the Spaniards, who were slain and put to flight.  To England the army returned,  Where very great joy awaited them; 505  Right glad were all their friends,  And all the ladies also;    The queen, who loved her lord from her heart,  Celebrated their return with festivities.  Then said the king to his wife, 510  e Lady dear, be pleased to entertain  Your son; for I should have been taken  Had it not been for his great emprise,  But by him was I rescued.'  'Sire' said she,' welcome 515  Are you both to me,  It is my mind, and I ought to say it,  In a good hour was he born.'  There was enough rejoicing together,  Knights and barons 520  Dancing and feasting might be seen  And entertainment and revels,  Much happy time was there passed;  There were deeds of love and nobleness,  Of pleasantry and of prowess. 525  Ensi demoerent longe temps  Tant qil auient jesqes a ceo temps  Q.e a lescluse assemble3 estoient  Niefs Despaigne queux sauantoient  De passer en despit du roy  Maugre luy et tout son arroy  Dount le roy par son vasselage  Fist assembler son graunt baronage  Et fist sur la mer vn arriuee  Gte moult fu de grant renomee  La estoit lui prince son filt3  Et maint bon chiualer de pris  Tout lui counte et tout l i baron  Et tout li chiualer de noun  La auoit batail fiere et dure  La lui dona Dieux auenture .




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