可恶的桑拿天儿啊! 一天到晚,身上湿嗒嗒,粘腻腻的。 这段时间俺彻底休息在家,不用出门奔波劳苦也算兴事一件,可是,感觉无所事事的日子反而比整天朝九晚五的生活更无聊些。 只好坐在空调房里发呆。 在空调房里久了,人就变得有点昏昏沉沉,浑身的骨头都松软了,再怎么调剂着吃饭也没啥味口。 查了查书,我这种症候好似有些湿热淤积的 阅读全文>> |
安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)、内尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)、罗德里格·桑托罗(Rodrigo Santoro)将为蓝天工作室(Blue Sky Studios)和福克斯动画(Fox Animation)的下一部动画片《里约》(Rio)配音。 该片仍然由《冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明》(Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)导演卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈(Carlos Saldanha)执导,影片讲述了一只明尼苏达州小镇上的书呆子鹦鹉,朝着2016年奥运会举办地——里约热内卢飞行的冒险旅程。影片计划在2011年4月8日上映,和《冰河世纪3》一样,这部电脑CG动画片也将制作成3D立体影片。 对安妮·海瑟薇和《老爸老妈的罗曼史》主演内尔·帕特里克·哈里斯来说,给动画片配音并不陌生,安妮·海瑟薇2005年就曾给动画片《小红帽》(Hoodwinked!)主角配过音,而哈里斯也在今年索尼大卖的动画片《多云,有时有肉丸雨》(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs)中为一个配角配音。演过《霹雳娇娃2》、《300》、《切·格瓦拉》等片的罗德里格·桑托罗虽然没有给动画片配过音,但他是地地道道的巴西里约人。 该片导演卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈同样出生在巴西,他筹划这部《里约》已经有好几年了。蓝天工作室的几部动画片作品《冰河世纪系列》、《机器人历险记》他都参与了,只有《霍顿和无名氏》没有参与。 安妮·海瑟薇明年有《情人节》(Valentine's Day)、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)两部影片,内尔·帕特里克·哈里斯明年有CBS根据《美女与野兽》改编的《野兽男孩》(Beastly)在7月份上映,罗德里格·桑托罗则将出演《有龙》(There Be Dragons)。 作者:Nemo ...阅读全文>> |
A-Rod's dramatic performance continued. Chone Figgins's first hit
this postseason in the top of 11th innings gave
Angels 3-2 lead. Closer Fuentes 's try to tie AL champion series to
1-1 was spoiled by A-Rod's solo HR in the bottom
of 11th innings. It's A-Rod's second HR in the 9th
innings or later to tie the game this postseason. 3HRs and 8RBIs
leaded the Yankees 5-0 unbeated this postseason.
Angels had more chance than Yankees to win the
game . But low RISP hurted Angels. Finally error punished Angels in
the bottom of 13th innings when Maicer Izturis
made walk-off error. After Jerry Hairston JR
singled, Brandon Gardner's sacrified bunt
delivered him to second base. Robinson Cano was
walked intentionlly. Izturis catched Cabbera's
ground ball between first base and second base and then threw to
second base to try a double play. But his wild
throw resulted Hairston JR's decisive run. Angels had made 5 errors in his first two game of ALCS. Ga...阅读全文>> |
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