轮战绩,朴茨茅斯是目前英超的副班长,排名垫底,乃降级头号热门。但如果论旗下球星的女友,庞贝军团也许能跻身联赛前三甲,这要感谢军港今夏引进的法国中场杰米·奥哈拉。从今年3月开始,奥哈拉就已经与著名的英超球星杀手、美女模特儿丹妮尔·罗伊德拍拖,两人最近在英国伯克郡买了200万镑的昂贵新房子,据说23岁的奥 阅读全文>> |
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Hondurans are voting for a new leader five
months after President Manuel Zelaya was ousted in a coup. Neither
Mr. Zeleya nor Mr. Roberto Micheletti, the military- backed leader
who replaced him, are competing in Sunday s election. Conservative
Porfirio Pepe Lobo of the opposition National Party is considered
the front runner. He faces Elvin Santos of the ruling Liberal Party
which ousted President Zeleya in June. The leading candidates in
Sunday s election have signed a pledge to honor the constitutional
ban on running for reelection. Officials in Afghanistan say border security guards have killed at least 26 militants in a gun battle near the country s boarder with Pakistan. Afghan officials say no security guards were killed in today s clash in Khost province. They say coalition air support backed the guards during the battle which lasted several hours. On Saturday, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Britain will host an international conference on Afghanistan |
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