They call him King James these days, and he's one of the NBA's
biggest and brightest stars, but once upon a time LeBron James was
an uncommonly talented kid from Akron, Ohio, whose rise to royalty
started with the support of a bunch of friends/teammates and a
Jerseys life-changing coach. More than a Game, a new
documentary now open in limited release, follows their story over
the course of nine years and reveals how James never left behind
his friends, coach -- or the hard lessons he learned about
friendship, family and teamwork -- on the way to the top. PopStar
was on hand when James, Coach Dru Joyce, teammates Sian Cotton, Dru
Joyce III, Willie McGee, and Romeo Travis, as well as director
Kristopher Belman, met the media during a press conference at a New
York City hotel. Following are excerpts from James' part of the
Jerseys LeBron, Kris was this aspiring filmmaker doing a
school project and you weren't famous yet when he started shooting
More than a Game. What was your reaction back in the day when he
first started shooting, and what's it like now, years later, to see
the finished film? At first, Coach Dru had to really calm us down.
He was like, "There's this kid from Akron, he's going to come to
one practice and he wants to sit down with you." We were like, "We
don't know about this, Coach. You already closed practices to the
media, so now you're letting another media guy in here? OK, where
you (coming) from?" But Coach was like, "Just give the guy an
opportunity. Just give him a
NFL ALL STAR shot. He's just doing a school project, man."
He came out for one practice. He was never intrusive. He stayed in
the background. He got what he had to get throughout the first
practice, and it was cool. And then a Monday practice turned into a
Tuesday practice and he was there again. We were kind of looking at
Coach. "What's going on, man?" Then, Wednesday and 阅读全文>> |
里约热内卢成功的获得2016年奥运会承办权。这样一幅画面很动人,那就是总统卢拉不断用手帕试着泪水,一代球王贝利更是老泪纵横,应该说他们是喜极而泣,他们的眼泪是幸福的、激动的。 卢拉说:“如果我现在就死了,我也感到人生的值得。”是不是应该说巴西进入了体育卢拉时代。 历届夏季奥运会举办城市一览:</STRONG> 举办时间 届次 举办国 城市 1896年 1 希腊 雅典 1900年 2 法国 巴黎 1904年 3 美国 圣路易斯 1908年 4 英国 伦敦 1912年 5 瑞典 斯德哥尔摩 1920年 7 比利时 安特卫普 1924年 8 法国 巴黎 1928年 9 荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 1932年 10 美国 洛杉矶 1936年 11 德国 柏林 1948年 14 英国 伦敦 1952年 15 芬兰 赫尔辛基 1956年 16 澳大利亚 墨尔本 1960年 17 意大利 罗马 1964年 18 日本 东京 1968年 19 墨西哥 墨西哥城 1972年 20 德国 慕尼黑 1976年 21 加拿大 蒙特利尔 1980年 22 前苏联 莫斯科 1984年 23 美国 洛杉矶 1988年 24 韩国 汉城 1992年 25 西班牙 巴塞罗那 1996年 26 美国 亚特兰大 2000年 27 澳大利亚 悉尼 2004年 28 希腊 雅典 2008年 29 中国 北京 2012年 30 英国 伦敦 2016年 31 巴西 里约热内卢 </STRONG> |
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