中国首个和唯一一档专门播放国际搏击类赛事的体育节目,即将火爆登陆内蒙古卫视</STRONG> Watch "Fight Weekend", China's first and only TV program dedicated to international fight content, on NMTV 内蒙古卫视将于4月11(本周六)日起推出国内唯一一档专门播放国际搏击类赛事的体育节目,名为《搏击风暴》,该节目涉及面广泛,每周六、周日下午2点至5点在内蒙古卫视播出。此栏目由内蒙古卫视和新华悦动传媒联手推出,这也是新华悦动传媒自3月更改公司名称后在拓展体育赛事节目方面的首项重大举措。 每周末收看内蒙古卫视,就能体验一系列精彩的搏击类体育赛事:"拳坛巅峰"、"非常擂台"、"武术王国"和"经典对决"。 On April 11(this Sat), NMTV will have the distinction of being the first and only broadcaster nationwide to offer TV programming solely dedicated to international fight content. Titled”Fight Weekend” this comprehensive TV program will be broadcasted every Saturday and Sunday from 2:00PM to 5:00PM. A joint effort between NMTV and XSEL, “Fight Weekend” is XSEL’s first major sports TV programming initiative since the company adopted its new name in March. Tune-in to NMTV every weekend and experience our exciting array of fight content including Top Rank Boxing, Professional Mixed Martial Arts, World Martial Arts and Classic Fights. “拳坛巅峰”</STRONG> 该栏目将主要播放世界顶级的拳赛、冠军赛、明星拳手赛事与新兴拳手赛事。 Top Rank Boxing</STRONG> “Fight Weekend” will feature first rate international boxing from the world’s big five boxing association and will showcase championship boxing matches, high profile boxing matches and amateur boxing matches. “非常擂台”</STRONG> 该栏目将播放顶级的综合格斗类赛事,为中国观众带来特别的全新视觉体验。综合格斗是近年来国际上新兴的热门搏击赛事,比赛中可出现多种格斗技巧,混合了传统武术和非传统武术。 Professional Mixed Martial Arts</STRONG> NMTV will air top Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”) matches, bringing a new and thrilling fight concept to China. MMA is an internationally renowned combat sport that allows a wide variety of fighting techniques, from a mixture of martial arts traditions and non-traditions, to be used in competitions. “武术王国”</STRONG> 该栏目将为观众展现世界上不同的武术流派,中国功夫、空手道、跆拳道、相扑、武器表演、击破表演等等。 World Martial Arts</STRONG> NMTV will showcase different world martial arts matches such as Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo and Sumo Wrestling matches, as well as martial arts demonstrations such as ice breaking and weapons demonstrations. “经典对决” </STRONG> 该栏目将会让观众重温历史上的经典赛事与搏击界的传奇人物,例如拳王阿里对乔治费尔曼、泰森对霍利菲尔德等至今为人津津乐道的比赛。 Classic Fights</STRONG> “Fight Weekend” will take viewers back to the most memorable matches in boxing history and relive the careers of boxing greats such as Mohammed Ali, George Foreman, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. 登陆内蒙古卫视,收看《搏击风暴》! 每周六、周日,在此体验一系列精彩的搏击类赛事。</STRONG> Watch "Fight Weekend" on NMTV! Experience our exciting array of fight content every Saturday and Sunday right on NMTV. 《搏击风暴》节目播放时间表 (每周六和周日)</STRONG> "Fight Weekend" Program Schedule (Every Saturday and Sunday)</STRONG> 《搏击风暴》节目播放时间表</SPAN> (</SPAN>每周六和周日</SPAN>) "Fight Weekend" Program Schedule (Every Saturday and Sunday)</SPAN> 播出时间</SPAN> Start Time</SPAN> 栏目</SPAN> Content</SPAN> 14:00</SPAN> 拳击巅峰</SPAN> Top Rank Boxing</SPAN> 14:28</SPAN> 14:56</SPAN> 非常擂台</SPAN> Professional Mixed Martial Arts</SPAN> 15:23</SPAN> 15:51</SPAN> 武术王国</SPAN> World Martial Arts</SPAN> 16:09</SPAN> 16:27</SPAN> 经典对决</SPAN> Classic Fights </SPAN> 16:45</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
罕见苦练只为一目标</SPAN> 2009年04月10日14:45</SPAN> 新浪体育</SPAN>
刘翔 今天上午中国飞人刘翔在上海莘庄基地进行了公开训练,在接受媒体采访时,刘翔首次公开表示,不太可能参加八月份的柏林世锦赛, |
被戏称为“跑部钱进”的驻京办终于有人喊了一嗓子“立定”。最近,风筝之都的山东省潍坊市拽回了若干飘浮甚远的“风筝”。来自媒体的报道说,潍坊市将包括驻京办事处在内的北京、上海、深圳等11家办事处全部撤销,所有资产处理、人员安置等具体事宜在上月底全部完成。(4月9日新华网) 与那些“任尔东西南北风,我自岿然不动”的驻京办相比,潍坊市自动自觉部撤销驻京办的确难能可贵。毕竟,如此断尾自救是需要一定的勇气与魄力的。 但这是否意味着,各地只要照葫芦画瓢,一律将林林总总的驻京办全部撤销掉,就万事大吉了呢?就功德圆满了呢?就天下太平了呢?未必! 驻京办诞生于计划经济时代,开始之初的确产生了一些积极的作用。如今,随着商品市场的繁荣,交通和通讯的顺畅,驻京办为当地谋取物质需求的功能已基本丧失。照理,早该寿终正寝才是。 令人吊诡的是,各地的驻京办非但没有关门大吉,反而连一些基层县镇也蜂拥而上,争先恐后设立驻京办。据不完全统计,目前在北京,除52家副省级以上单位的驻京办之外,还有520家市级单位驻京办、5000余家县级单位驻京办。如果加上各级政府部门设的联络处各种协会、国有企业和大学的联络处,各种驻京机构足足超过了1万家。 这是为什么呢?显然是,设立驻京办不是为了单单装门面、图方便。有关专家算了一笔...全文 |
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