</STRONG> 原文:Alex angered by Juve collapse Wednesday 22 April, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus skipper Alessandro Del Piero has confessed his frustration at the Scudetto slipping away and claims he has no say on transfer policy.</STRONG> The Bianconeri could only grab a draw against Inter in the Derby d'Italia and trail their rivals by 10 points with six games remaining.</STRONG> The Old Lady are expected to invest heavily in the summer to try and usurp Inter next term.</STRONG> “It's not as simple as just bringing in two or three champions,” Del Piero explained to Tuttosport.</STRONG> “There are lots of other factors involved. For example, we played several games at night in the winter this season.</STRONG> “On these evenings it was very cold or humid, which didn't help and then there were the refereeing errors that influenced results.</STRONG> “But it was our fault because defensive and attacking mistakes stopped us achieving what we could have. We need to put that right because I don't want to finish second or third again.</STRONG> “As far as transfers are concerned I have never vetoed any swoop,” Alex continued.</STRONG> “The reason for that is very simple. I don't talk to the club about the transfer market and they don't ask for my opinion.” </STRONG> 原文链接:</STRONG>http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/apr22c.html</STRONG> 译文:尤文图斯旗手亚历桑德罗.德尔.皮耶罗对球队失去夺冠希望而感到灰心,并表示自己并干涉俱乐部的转会政策。</STRONG> 斑马军团在上周六的意大利国家德比中战平了国米,在联赛之剩六场的情况落后死敌十分之多。</STRONG> 老妇人准备在今年夏天引进重量级球员,以求能在下赛季的比赛中推翻黑蓝军团的统治。</STRONG> “事情并不是引进两名或三名冠军球员那么简单 阅读全文>> |
接下来说说兰州的美食吧。老公说,兰州虽然地处西北,经济不如沿海城市那么发达,但兰州人对于美食从不吝啬自己的钱包,所以饭店、小吃店遍及城市各个角落,其中尤以火锅店、牛肉面馆居多。听到这个消息,我就流着口水想啊,在这儿待得时间太短了,如果一天能吃九顿饭就好了。。。 首先来说兰州的特色—手抓羊肉。大致30-50元/斤,具体以肉属于哪个部位为准。 马菇拜羊肉,据说是做手抓羊肉最正宗的。先给招牌来个图。 2个人的话点1斤就差不多了。刚端上来就能闻到非常浓烈的香味,夹上一块,撒上椒盐,啊,味道好极了。上图。 再来个特写。 再来点素菜去去火。下图是西芹百合。百合是兰州特产之一,以瓣大肉厚、香甜可口闻名,是高级滋补营养品。 在兰州,羊肉还有另外一种非常有名的做法—黄焖羊肉。和老公去“纵横羊肉”吃过2次,也很好吃,老公同事请客,没好意思照照片,可惜了,没有回忆的资本了。 提到兰州,当然不能不说牛肉拉面了。马子禄牛肉面—兰州最有名的牛肉面。顾客盈门,取面的队排的老长。 下面来点烤羊肉串吧。老公说总感觉兰州的羊肉串味道不够,只有一家让他满意—大漠烤肉。上图。 诱人吧。我俩吃了60元,直到再也吃不下去才意犹未尽的离开。 杏皮水,酸甜可口。我喝了两碗。 还有金汉斯烤肉、唐氏粥语,啊,美好的回忆,想得我都饿了。。。 遗憾的是时间太短,有很多美食没来的及去品尝。不知道还有没有机会去和那些好吃的再续前缘? |
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