普洱自古以来以普洱茶产地和集散地著名中外,清代时为向朝廷上贡普洱茶的普洱府所在地。 “普洱”为哈尼语,“普”为寨,“洱”为水湾,意为“水湾寨”。西汉时属益州郡哀牢地,东汉至南朝隶属永昌郡。北朝及隋朝属濮部,隶南宁州。唐南诏为步日睑(治今普洱县城),奉逸城(治今磨黑镇)地,属银生节度。宋大理国前期,属威楚府之步日部。元属元江路,称普日部、明初属元江府之普日、思摩甸两主座司地,继属元江军民府之车里宣慰司地,始称普洱,清雍正七年(1729)设普洱府,雍正十三年(1735)增设宁洱县,隶普洱府。民国时期先后属普洱道尹公署,第二殖边督办公署,第四区行政督察专员公署。新中国建立后,1951年更名普洱县,1985年经国务院批准,成立普洱哈尼族彝族自治县,隶属思茅地区。 普洱地处无量山余脉与西南部中山宽谷的过渡地带,山高谷深、谷宽成坝。坝子终年无雪,年均匀降雨量1398毫米,日照充足,雨量充沛,天气热和。"晴时早晚遍地雾,阴雨成天满山云",得天独厚的自然环境为"普洱茶"的生长创造了有利条件。在县城东北的白草地梁子,有万亩古茶群落,其中把边乡团结村中寨、新寨、丫口境内有8183亩,凤阳乡宽宏村困鹿山有1939亩,茶树高大古老,十分罕见。在勐先乡板山四周有茶山管头野生茶树 阅读全文>> |
IN the first three letters, my father expressed his concern for my silence and asked the reason for it. In the last, he made it clear that he had beeninformed of my changed way of life, and announced his arrival in the very near future. I have always felt great respect and a genuine affection for my father. So I wrote back saying that the reason for my silence was that I had been away travelling for a while, and I asked him to let me know on which day he proposed to arrive so that I could be there to meet him. I gave my servant my country address and left orders that he was to bring the first letter that came postmarked C. Then I set off again immediately for Bougival. Marguerite was waiting for me at the garden gate. Her look was anxious. She threw her arms around my neck and could not stop herself asking: 'Did you see Prudence?' 'No.' 'Why did you stay so long in Paris?' 'I found some letters from my father which I had to answer.' A few moments after this, Nanine came in. She was out...阅读全文>> |
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