人生难得一次结婚,轰轰烈烈的爱情,对于女人来说更要展现最最美丽的自己,美容化妆品这就不在话下。 时尚,结婚,女人,美容 电子杂志下载地址 http://pic1.zcom.com/u/attachment/mag/20090730/182080_1248973551TiKx.exe 请复制地址使用迅雷下载或在地址栏打开。 阅读全文>> |
千真万确:杰克逊头发变钻石Jackson's hair made into diamonds -- for real
自从迈克尔•杰克逊在6月25日突然辞世,有关他私生活的各种光怪陆离的传闻便不绝于耳。上周五,一家公司说准备把他的头发制成钻石。这个传闻是真的。 Since Michael Jackson's sudden death on June 25, the rumor mill over details of his bizarre personal life has ground away nearly non-stop, and on Friday, one company said it was turning his hair into diamonds. That one is true. 本周的传闻包括滚石杂志上的一篇报道,上面说迈克尔•杰克逊的尸体在送到太平间的时候他的假鼻子很明显不知去向。一份英国小报对迈克尔•杰克逊有一个秘密的私生子大作文章。 The claims this week included a report in Rolling Stone magazine that a prosthetic nose he wore apparently went missing when he was taken to the morgue, and a British tabloid trumpeted a headline that he fathered a secret love-child. 这位“惊悚”歌手去世之后还有这样一则消息:芝加哥的一家公司上周五说它已得到杰克逊1984年拍摄百事可乐广告时烧掉的部分头发 |
太忙太耐无更新博客了~对不起各位亲。。。 好消息~停左两年多既【虫虫D日记本子】重开了~细心既亲应该发现偶头发卷了~哈哈~撒花~ |
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