今天介绍终极省钱绝招——生豆芽 准备当年的黄豆,挑选饱满、完整的豆子,加入清水浸泡24小时 准备一个漏筐和配套的接水盆,放入泡发好的豆芽 上面蒙上一个黑色垃圾袋,放进厨柜里。北方要在有暖气的屋子里才会发芽! 每天早上、中午、晚上换水冲洗一次。 到第四天,就已经可以食用。 同理可知:绿豆芽、花生芽 做法就不再说 阅读全文>> |
</SPAN> (一)油罐车跑长途前加满油</SPAN> </SPAN> 跑长途前,新鲜油越多,高速行驶时加速力越足。出发上高速前,应该加满油再走。使用高标号油的车还要额外准备一些汽油添加剂,添加剂可以把油的标号提高</SPAN>1-2</SPAN>号。万一沿途加油站的油标号不够,可以适当弥补。</SPAN> (二)如果可以尽量在固定点给油罐车加油</SPAN> </SPAN> 从而寻找一个可信任的加油站加油,否则会因为油的品质问题影响车子,如果油品质量有问题,会造成喷油嘴上的积炭过多,引发堵塞。最好选择中石化和中石油的星级加油站,油品质量有保证。加油后记得开发票,以作凭证。</SPAN> (</SPAN>三</SPAN>)</SPAN>天热时给油罐车加半箱油</SPAN> </SPAN> 天气较热时,油箱里汽油的最佳容量是一半到三分之二左右。加满油反而会加重引擎的负荷,加上市区开车常走走停停,耗油也会更大。也不能等到油完全干了再加。当燃油表的指 |
The term bisque refers to a particular type
of soup made with cream. Shrimp or lobster is the
typical star of a bisque. The meaning of the term
has broadened in recent years to include creamy pureed vegetable
soups as well.</SPAN> </SPAN> </SPAN> I made this soup again when my friends visited me during Christmas break. They love it too. The original recipe calls for a carrot. Since we all like pumpkin, I replaced the carrot with a pumpkin, and adjusted (reduced) the amount of butter and heavy cream so that it fit our taste better and it was healthier. I served it with the</SPAN> Leek, Broccoli, Smoked Salmon and Parmesan Cheese Tart I made before with some adaption. They went very well with each other, making an easy yet satisfying lunch. </SPAN> Shrimp Pumpkin Bisque</SPAN> Make 6-8 servings</SPAN> Need a hand blender, or blender, or a food processor</SPAN> <span...阅读全文>> |
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