A Lazio avalanche in Sofia: 0-4 And Bizzarri superb in goal SOFIA (Bulgaria), 1 October 2009 - There is no doubt about the result: it is still a 4-0 away win in Cup competition. But the Lazio side that achieved it was an "out of phase" side, in that the two phases were not going in the same direction: when they attacked, Lazio - from Meghni to Matuzalem, from Zarate to Rocchi - were fast, spectacular and effective; in their defensive phase, on the other hand, Ballardini's men sometimes suffered from inexplicable amnesia, allowing the mediocre Bulgarians of Levski to get in front of goal, and it was only a series of miraculous saves by Bizzarri that kept them from scoring. MULTI-FACETED ZARATE</SPAN> — The match began with Lazio quickly taking control, holding on to the ball and controlling the Bulgarians' frequent advances. Gradually though Ballardini's men became a little over confident, giving Joaozinho too much room to attack, especially on the left flank; he gave Lichsteiner more than a few problems. This led to a couple of alarm bells ringing, courtesy of Hristov and the Brazilian. That was enough to wake the Lazio players up and make them play with more assurance: halfway through the half Zarate became the provider, taking off through the mid 阅读全文>> |
此次阅兵车车牌是“京V02009”,京V是2004式军牌,一般是中央军委的车。车牌号“2009”,这其中有什么含义?预计此次可能与过往一样,不会对外解释车牌的含义。此次车牌的含义,将会成为热议的话题。一个简单直观的解读,就是指今年―――2009年。 国庆50周年阅兵车是甲A.02156,甲A是1997式军牌,在当时一般是中央军委的车。有人分析说,21,即中国共产党诞生于1921年,也有人说指马上进入21世纪(次年是2000年);56,代表伟大祖国有着56个民族,2156前面一个完整无缺的“0”,代表着国家的领土完整。而前面的甲A是当时中国人民解放军总参谋部在北京军区所用的军牌标识。这么一联系起来,是不是说明中国军队有能力维护祖国统一,胜利迈向21世纪?虽然最终没有人出来作权威解释,但这样解释还是说得通的。 驻京记者 彭美 实习生 李文 陈宁 2009年</STRONG> 红旗HQE轿车</STRONG> 昨日,一辆车牌号为京V 02009的“红旗”牌检阅车载着国家主席胡锦涛检阅部队。 作为手工打造的顶级豪车,定位于“元首级”座驾的H Q E顶级红旗长度超过6米,延续了三排座椅的传统。所用动力源也为纯正“中国芯”,是 |
</SPAN> </SPAN> 可能有人问,世界那么大,是什么驱使我去冰岛旅游呢?原因有二。其一,本人从小喜欢地理,世界地图上总是看到这个独自遨游在北大西洋上形似“小鸭子”的岛国,觉得她是那么遥远,很神秘,一定是个冰雪的世界,因此对她的兴趣始终不减,但始终没有机会到那里“溜一趟”。其二,去北欧各国旅游如果不包括冰岛,总觉得不够圆满,因为将来去欧洲时很难顺路去冰岛。不管什么理由,反正这次有机会,就顺便看看这只“小鸭子”。</SPAN> </SPAN> 我们</SPAN>8月</SPAN>19日上午从香港出发,先乘芬兰航空客机前往丹麦首都赫尔辛基。由于历史和地缘的关系,芬兰和俄国的关系始终友好,芬兰航空可能是为数不多的几家被允许飞越俄国广袤领空的航空公司之一。因此赫尔辛基成为了远东通往欧洲的捷径,旅客们然后再转乘其他航班飞往欧洲各地 |
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