When he approached the flowers, only a foot away, when all of the Huadu for him, and the warm open.The one back to stand in situ,G ul’dan was furious.“Why have you wow power leveling not succeeded yet?” he demanded. The other orcs cowered away from him. They had seen the chief warlock enraged wow gold before, and knew he wow goldmight turn his fearsome powers upon wow power leveling them as well if he was not appeased.“We are trying, Gul’dan,” Rakmar replied. The oldest of the surviving orc necromancers after wow power leveling Gul’dan himself, Rakmar wow gold Sharpfang was the necrolytes’ unofficial leader and often thrust into the role of conveying their accomplishments—or failures—to the high warlock. “We have been able to animate the bodies, yes, but not to give them consciousness. They are wow power leveling little more than shells. We can direct them as puppets, but their movements are sloppy and slow. They will pose little threat to anyone.”Gul’dan glared at the bodies beyond Rakmar. They were human, warriors slain here on the fields of wow gold Stormwind, and would make a powerful force for the Horde, just as he had promised Doomhammer. But only if his worthless assistants could transform them into something more than the shambling wrecks he saw here!“Find a way!” Gul’dan shouted, jordans shoesspit flying from wow gold his mouth. He clenched his fists, tempted to strike down the necrolytes where they stood, but what good would that do him? If they were dead they would hardly be able to help him—A thought wow power leveling struck him, and Gul’dan rocked back on his heels, stunned by its brilliance. Of course! That was the answer!“You are right, Rakmar,” he said softly, opening his hands and smoothing them along the front of his robes. “You are trying. I understand. This is a new and different thing we are attempting, and would pose a great challenge to anyone. I have no right to be wow go 阅读全文>> |
纳豆美食——炸酱纳豆 作者:西安纳豆</STRONG> 研究创新开发各种传统纳豆美食是非常重要的,对宣传发酵文化、对人们积极接纳食用传统纳豆、预防和治疗疾病并养成科学食用传统纳豆的习惯具有战略意义,只有这样健康中国、健康家庭、健康自己才会成为事实。 之所以称其为美食,是喜欢吃且百吃不厌。 原料:天津葱伴侣豆瓣酱 鸡蛋 葱花/蒜苗/大蒜末、菜籽油。 做法:半袋豆瓣酱+一个鸡蛋+适量葱花/蒜苗/大蒜末+水(大约是总量的1/3-1/2,标准是做出的炸酱应是糊状不是固态),盛碗搅匀成生酱备用。炒锅加热倒入适量(平时炒菜量即可)菜籽油,油热后将备好的生酱倒入,炒大约2分钟(烧开且鸡蛋要熟)出锅放入碗内成炸酱备用。饭后将剩余的炸酱封闭存放到冷藏柜内,做一次炸酱大约能满足两个人3-5天食用。 吃法:30/50克纳豆提前半小时自然解冻,将大约一小勺炸酱拌入即可食用。 也可当小菜,早餐、午餐、晚餐都能食用; 也可加馍、饼; 也可拌米饭吃; 也可拌面条吃,就像炸酱面。 |
由大导演克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)执导、马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)和摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)主演的《不可战胜》(Invictus)今天发布了预告片。 这部影片以南非前总统曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)为主角,讲述了他当选总统后决定通过举办橄榄球世界杯改变南非的种族分化与贫富分化、把全国人民团结起来的故事。其中摩根·弗里曼将扮演曼德拉总统,马特·达蒙将扮演率领不被看好的南非队赢得冠军的橄榄球队队长Francois Pienaar。 《不可战胜》(Invictus)将于12月11日上映,华纳公司希望本片能够冲击奥斯卡奖。 作者:Nemo |
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