</STRONG> 原文:Cannavaro shows Ciro respect Wednesday 26 August, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fabio Cannavaro reveals how his relationship with good friend Ciro Ferrara has changed since becoming a Coach and calls Fabio Grosso to Juventus.</STRONG> “The first time I started calling him ‘Coach’ he was stunned,” revealed the defender in the Gazzetta dello Sport.</STRONG> “But it is the right thing to do. I’m friends with Ciro and we even run a charity foundation in Naples together, but now he is my Coach and he has to make his tactical choices.”</STRONG> The pair are not only long-standing Bianconeri figures, but also both hail from the poorer areas of Naples.</STRONG> “I am proud to be Neapolitan. We have something more, it is a city with a unique aura and way of living, even if people can joke about it. There are insults from the stands, but that’s just trash talk, it’s not racism.”</STRONG> With peers Ferrara and Leonardo becoming Serie A tacticians and Canna turning 36 next month, will he have a future on the bench too?</STRONG> “I don’t know, but for the last couple of years I have been taking notes about the training sessions. Football is my world.”</STRONG> His return to Juve was marred by protests from some of the ultras who did not forgive him walking out during the Calciopoli scandal of 2006.</STRONG> “I was nervous at my debut against Chievo. Now I have cleared the air with the fans and told them the reasons behind that transfer, so I can go forward and the only thing I can do now is to play well.</STRONG> “The spirit and hunger for success are the same as in 2006, because these have always been the key strengths of this club.</STRONG> “The team I joined the first time was already in place and had won trophies, whereas now we have a Coach and many young players who are starting out.”</STRONG> Diego and Felipe Melo have reinforced the Bianconeri, but another player is on his way, as Grosso is expected to complete the transfer from Lyon tomorrow.</STRONG> “I hope he will come,” added his Italy teammate Cannavaro. “I don’t see many other world class left-backs available.</STRONG> “Fabio remains one of the best and with more experience he can bring that something extra to the side, even if we have two promising youngsters like Christian Molinaro and Paolo De Ceglie.”</STRONG> Juve are top of the table and could extend that lead over Inter after Saturday’s Derby della Madonnina.</STRONG> “I expect a surprise, as the teams haven’t quite gelled yet. Inter have a stronger squad, but the best doesn’t always win in a derby.”</STRONG> 原文链接:</STRONG>http://www.football-italia.net/aug26h.html</STRONG> 译文:法比奥.卡纳瓦罗透露了自从西罗.费拉拉成为尤文图斯主教练之后,自己同他的朋友关系如何发生了变化,同时呼唤法比奥.格罗索加盟斑马军团。</STRONG> “当我第一次叫他‘教练’的时候,他惊呆了。但这样做是正确的。我同西罗是好朋友,我们甚至在那不勒斯一起运做一家慈善基 阅读全文>> |
土豆鸡腿。。。。。 原料:六个鸡腿,小土豆4个。 做法:步骤1:土豆去皮切块,鸡腿洗干净,对半切一刀。 步骤2:锅中底油,放姜片,八角爆一下,倒入切好的鸡腿煸炒发白。 步骤3:倒入酱油,料酒翻炒几下。 步骤4:加水没过鸡腿,水开倒入土豆块,加盐烧开转中火20分钟这样。 步骤5:大火收个汁,也可以多留点汤汁,伴着饭吃也不错的。 自制奶茶。。。。。 材料:红茶包、炼乳、糖(或蜂蜜) 做法:红茶包加适量的水煮一会儿,大概三五分钟就行了,然后适量的炼乳和糖。(不放糖也行) 小贴士:奶茶可以去油腻、助消化、益思提神、利尿解毒、消除疲劳,也适合于急慢性肠炎、胃炎及十二指肠溃疡等病人饮用。对酒精和麻醉药物中毒者,它还能发挥解毒作用。 -棒棒鸡丝。。。。材料: 鸡脯肉200克、小黄瓜1根、姜片2-3片。 调料: 辣椒油5ml、花椒油3ml、芝麻油5ml、盐3克、白糖10克、生抽10ml、醋10ml、蒜蓉10克、鸡精适量。 做法:1、把各种调料调和在一起调匀备用。 |
NBA官网截图 腾讯体育讯 北京时间11月29日消息,NBA官网今日更新了MVP竞赛榜,与上一期相比,头两名没有发生任何变化,依然由勒布朗·和所把持,而保罗凭借着最近一周的强势重新又杀回了三甲,本周榜单上仍然看不到火箭球员的身影-- 1、 詹姆斯,克利夫兰骑士,12胜3负,上周排名第一</STRONG> 数据:场均27.9分,7.2篮板,6.3助攻,1.9抢断,0.9盖帽,投篮命中率48.7%,罚球命中率78.6% 由于此前与纽约有“绯闻”在先,因此本周与的交锋非常引人关注,不过詹姆斯还是率领球队毫不留情地取得大胜。本周骑士取得了三场优势分别为14分,18分和35分的胜利,在轻取雷霆队的比赛中,詹姆斯甚至只打了17分钟。 2、 科比,洛杉矶湖人,12胜1负,上周排名第二</STRONG> 数据:场均23.7分,5.0篮板,3.9助攻,1.8抢断,0.7盖帽,投篮命中率45.2%,罚球命中率83.1% 科比在本周 |
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