"Miss Jane! where are you? Come to lunch!" It was
Bessie, I knew well enough; but I did not stir; her light step came
tripping down the path. "You naughty little thing!" she said. "Why
don't you come when you are called?" Bessie's presence, compared
with the thoughts over which I had been brooding, seemed cheerful;
even though, as usual, she was somewhat cross. The fact is, after
my conflict with and victory over Mrs. Reed, I was not disposed to
care much for the nursemaid's transitory anger; and I was disposed
to bask in her youthful lightness of heart. I just put my two arms
round her and said, "Come, Bessie! don't scold." The action was
more frank and fearless than any I was habituated to indulge in:
somehow it pleased her. "You are a strange child, Miss Jane," she
said, as she looked down at me; "a little roving, solitary thing:
and you are going to school, I suppose?" I nodded. "And won't you
be sorry to leave poor Bessie?" "What does Bessie care for me? She
is always scolding me." "Because you're such a queer, frightened,
shy little thing. You should be bolder." "What! to get more
knocks?" "Nonsense! But you are rather put upon, that's certain. My
mother said, when she came to see me last week, that she would not
like a little one of her own to be in your place.--Now, come in,
and I've some good news for you." "I don't think you have, Bessie."
"Child! what do you mean? What sorrowful eyes you fix on me! Well,
but Missis and the young ladies and Master John are going out to
tea this afternoon, and you sha 阅读全文>> |
他终于走了。 我看着他参加选秀,看着他扬起了3号球衣,看着他冲锋投篮跌倒爬起再冲锋,再看着他离开。 我从来不知道原来我是这样的一个ai球迷,一直到现在他要离开,留给众人一个倔强瘦小的背影的时候,旧日种种,扑面而来,蒙住我的口鼻双眼,叫我无法呼吸,想要挥拳呐喊。 一个时代,结束了。 就这样结束了。 时代变了, 而他没有变过 从他来, 一直到他走, 他都没有变过没有妥协过。 所以根本谈不上被舍弃,根本谈不上无可奈何,根本谈不上没有机会。一般的人又如何能明白,这是在这么瘦小的身躯里怎么样一种孤独着骄傲的灵魂啊 他的骄傲是一把剑 他不会放下自己的骄傲 就像一个真正的剑客不会放下他们的剑 即使放弃多年以来一直执着努力的愿景,放弃总冠军的希望 他也不会妥协 帅气而决绝地一拍两散 那些努力 13年来走过那么长那么长的路 那些辛苦 那些眼泪 汗水 跌倒 那些愿景 希望 那些荣誉 非议 就这么只是一个转身 只是这么一个转身 全都舍去了 时代变了,No Country for Old Men 而他没有变过 于是AI 这个拒绝舍弃自己的剑的最后的武士 策马扬鞭 昂起骄傲的头 一骑绝尘 向着新时代的 |
1993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球年度最佳球员 1993-弗吉尼亚州篮球年度最佳球员 993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球冠军 1993-弗吉尼亚州篮球冠军 1994-1995:东部(Big East)最佳新秀 1994-1995:东部(Big East)最佳防守队员 1995-1996:东部(Big East)最佳防守队员 1995-1996:东部(Big East)第一队 1995-1996:全美(All America)联盟第一队 1996-NBA选秀状元 1996-1997:新秀全明星MVP |
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