小学同学在东方宾馆澳门街聚会,见到了几位好久好久没见的同学,其中一位同学竟然是奥运冠军妈妈,她的女儿周杨静在2008北京残奥会上与单子龙在TA级男女混合双人双桨固定座位决赛中夺得冠军。有这样的同学,觉得我们也沾光了。祝贺这位同学和她的冠军女儿——周杨静。 中国组合周杨静、单子龙在TA级男女混合双人双桨固定座位决赛中夺冠</STRONG> 中国组合周杨静、单子龙在TA级男女混合双人双桨固定座位决赛中夺冠 </STRONG> 中国组合周杨静、单子龙在TA级男女混合双人双桨固定座位决赛中夺冠</STRONG> 来源:中国残联信息中心(摄影:武艺) 阅读全文>> |
global market Global Li-ion IBM Laptop Battery</STRONG> battery production in the past 15 to 17 years has maintained an average of 10% to 20% growth rate from 2001 onwards, the average annual growth rate was as high as 40%. Rapidly growing lithium battery market, in addition to watches, and other one-time button-type batteries, as well as secondary rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. In addition to the current lithium ion batteries are widely used in daily well-known mobile phones, notebook computers and MP3 and other digital electronic products, in electric cars, electric bicycles and some other high-power Laptop Battery</STRONG> have also been started. At present, countries are scrambling to develop electric cars, hybrid cars will need batteries to provide power, as a pure electric vehicles matching power supply, lithium-ion power supply for its outstanding performance, is becoming...阅读全文>> |
四年一届的全运会又开始了,上次参加全运会的经历仿佛就在眼前。都说,全运会是世界上最热闹的比赛,的确,四年前我经历过柔道的重赛风波、兴奋剂事件和万米赛马等等一系列在其它赛会难得一见的新鲜事。 今天,我的新的一届全运会又开始了。擦亮眼睛,看看还能与什么样的新鲜事。 十一届全运会女曲小组赛最后一轮,北京3:2战胜上海队 |
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