UN officials,climate experts,environmental activists
and more than 40 world leaders
gather in Copenhegen for two-week conference on climate change to
begin Monday,December 7th.Their
aim is to achieve a legally binding agreement to cut greenhouse gas
emissions.VOA Sonia Pace sent
this preview from our European bureau in London. The Copenhegen conference has been built as the last best chance to clinch a deal.But doubts have been raised whether it can do that .The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for heating up the atmosphere.And since industrialized nations were greatest polluters for years,they more than others under pressure to cut emissions.But many say developing countries also need to do more.They in turn, want financial help to make the transition.Most scientists say human activity is behind global warming and it's up to humans to make changes to stem the tide, Copenhegen is supposed to come up with the successor to the 1997 Kyoto Agreement that demanded cuts in the emissions.It expires in 2012.Sonia Pace,VOA news,London. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States does not know where about Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden ,and has not had good intelligence on its location in years.In a televised interview to be seen today on AVC television network,Secretary Gates says the US would go in *get Bin Laden if it could gather reliable information on his location.US and ally military official have said they believe Bin Laden is hiding somewhere along the mountainous boarder between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pilippine troops have arrested more than 60 people with suspected links to a political massacre after President Gloria Arroyo imposed marshal law in suspended civil rights in the southern province of Maguindanao.Thousands of troops have taken control of the province to crack down on the powerful Ampatuan clan. Andal Ampatuan Senior and his son Zaldy were taken into custody on Saturday,another son is already in jail.Military officials say soliders onload a large cache of weapons and ammunitions of the fimily's property .Authorities say the government fear the Ampatuans were planning a rebellion in response to the crack down on them since the massacre . Mourners in the Russian ural city of Perm attended the first on Sunday for victims of a night club fire that killed at least 12 people .Official says the death toll from the early Saturday blaze could rise ,because many victims ar 阅读全文>> |
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李源暗暗希望孙栋能再请她跳一曲。便轻轻柔柔地递给孙栋一个不关痛痒的问题。等孙栋答完了</SPAN>,李源又轻轻柔柔地递过下一个问题。一问一答中,下一曲的音乐便响了起来。就这么跳着聊着</SPAN>, 不知不觉间就到了最后一曲《欢乐今宵》。曲终人散的时候,宿舍的七个女孩又凑到一块。肖丽提议道:</SPAN>“我们请他们明天和我们一起去爬千佛山。好不好?</SPAN>”有帅哥陪着爬山总是让人畅快的,几个女孩默然同意。</SPAN></SPAN> 第二天早上五点,两个宿舍十四位青年男女聚在千佛山脚下。阳春三月,生机盎然,这群快乐的青年一边爬山一边说笑,高兴了还回应喊山的老头儿老太儿。下山的时候,他们又在路边的小摊上吃了油条、喝了豆浆。李源觉得爬山的这些早晨是她大学生活中最快乐、最阳光灿烂的日子。从来都是找各种理由不出操的她,动力十足,每天早上五点钟准时到千佛山脚下。相形之下,别的姑娘可懒怠多了。慢慢地,宿舍里只有肖丽和李源还坚持晨练。再后来,肖丽也宣布要在毕业之前尽情地睡睡懒觉。山体那边,五点钟能准时到千佛山脚下的也只剩下了孙栋。</SPAN></SPAN> 对很多人来说,千佛山不过是个小山坡。可对在一马平川的黄河入海口长大的李源来说,山都是婉转起伏、充满魅力的。有了孙栋在旁边,千佛山更是乐趣无穷。一开始,在陡峭的地方,孙栋偶尔会拉李源一把,然后立即把她的小手放开。李源会轻轻地说一声</SPAN>“谢谢。</SPAN>” 孙栋会略带局促地说一声</SPAN>“别客气</SPAN>”。</SPAN> </SPAN>有一次,春雨新过,孙栋一马当先,在前面开路,每到险峻的地方孙栋便拉李源一把。小路泥泞,拉拉撒撒次数多了,孙栋就疏忽了,李源的小手便一直被牵到山顶。有了第一次,再以后爬山,孙栋的大手很少不是裹着李源的小手。</SPAN></SPAN> |
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