</SPAN> 一.</SPAN>选配料 </SPAN> 二.</SPAN>和面</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN></STRONG>调制盐水 1.</SPAN>将配好的原料放入面粉中</SPAN></STRONG> 2.</SPAN></STRONG>打入鸡蛋-</SPAN>去除鸡蛋清备用 2.</SPAN>和面</SPAN></STRONG> 3.</SPAN></STRONG>选面粉 3.</SPAN>醒面 </SPAN></SPAN></STRONG> 三.</SPAN>制作 </SPAN> 四.</SPAN>醒面</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN></STRONG>揉面 1.</SPAN>盘入盆中</SPAN></STRONG> 2.</SPAN></STRONG>切条 2.</SPAN>醒面</SPAN></STRONG> 3.</SPAN></STRONG>搓条</SPAN></STRONG> 五.</SPAN>盘条 </SPAN> 六.</SPAN>出面</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN></STRONG>盘条上杆 1.</SPAN>出窖口</SPAN></STRONG> 2.</SPAN></STRONG>入窖发酵-</SPAN>封窖口 2.</SPAN>拉长-</SPAN>双面</SPAN></STRONG> 3.</SPAN></STRONG>二次入窖发酵-</SPAN>封窖口</SPAN></STRONG> 七.</SPAN>晾晒 </SPAN> 八.</SPAN>包装</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN></STRONG>取出上架 1.</SPAN>尺量切面</SPAN></STRONG> 2</SPAN></STRONG> 拉长-</SPAN>晾晒 2.</SPAN>称重</SPAN></STRONG> 3.</SPAN></STRONG>取下杆-</SPAN>切面 3.</SPAN>包装-</SPAN>入箱</SPAN></STRONG> </SPAN> 美润手工空心挂面与机器面不同之处:</SPAN> 一.</SPAN>视觉差异 </SPAN>二.</SPAN>口感差异</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN> </SPAN>面细如丝 1.</SPAN>食之柔滑</SPAN> 2.</SPAN>丝中有空 2.</SPAN>清爽利口</SPAN> 三.</SPAN>烹饪差异 </SPAN>四.</SPAN>营养价值差异</SPAN></STRONG> 1.20</SPAN>秒即熟 1.</SPAN>营养丰富</SPAN> 2.</SPAN>久煮不粘连 2.</SPAN>容易消化-</SPAN>健胃</SPAN> 3.</SPAN>回锅如新 </SPAN></SPAN> 五.</SPAN>储存差异 </SPAN> 六.</SPAN>适用人群差异</SPAN></STRONG> 1.</SPAN>经夏不霉 1.</SPAN>儿童、老人、孕妇</SPAN> 2.</SPAN>久不生虫 2.</SPAN>爱吃绿色食品人群</SPAN> </SPAN>美润手工空心挂面以更好的品质饮誉中原大地,此手艺经几辈传至今;</SPAN>历史上曾作为珍品进献皇宫,</SPAN>其味甘色白,柔嫩可口,因面体经多次发酵而有微孔,故有"</SPAN>茎直中通"</SPAN>之说,其特别柔嫩易消化也源于此。长期食用具有健胃强身之功效。随着人们生活水平改善,饮食行业趋向自然规律。本产品绝不含任何添加剂,</SPAN>天然绿色食品,是馈赠佳品,品质天然纯正,食之美味营养,润滑爽口,是面条中最佳天然食品。</SPAN> </SPAN>绿色、营养、健康是现代人的追求,手工挂面不但是生活的必需品,更是人们在宴席、逢年过节、孝敬老人、访亲探友的最佳时尚礼品。 </SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN> 目前市场情况:</SPAN>此</SPAN>面随已有上百年历史,但全国仍为空白市场,目前各大超市均无销售(产地超市有很少一部分),有的基本全部是机器挂面或者手杆湿面条,比较适合中年人食用。周所周知老年人、儿童的消化系统较年轻人稍差,机器面吃了后不容易消化,造成很多老年人和孩子不吃挂面或很少吃。多数家庭选择了给他们做些米粥,菜汤之,鸡蛋羹之类,这些当然也不错,但做起来比较费时间,费火。空心挂面是经从头至尾3</SPAN>次以上的发酵做作而成,从而解决了面条不易消化的问题,它的口感也比一般生面做的面条要润滑;好比发面馒头就比生面烙饼要好消化,而且久吃不腻,空心挂面虽说是老产品,确实个有待开发的新市场,发展空间巨大;很多商家在寻找新的商机和品种,其实选择大于努力,要做专业的要么做没人做的。</SPAN> 营销途径:</SPAN> 1.</SPAN></STRONG>大、中、小型超市、社区超市 2.</SPAN>农贸市场 3.</SPAN>粮油批发市场 4.</SPAN>鲜面条店 5.</SPAN>老年公寓、幼儿园、高档社区 6.</SPAN>医院附近 7.</SPAN>绿色食品店 8.</SPAN>饭店、火锅店等等 美润可提供的服务:1.</SPAN>提供优质原产品 2.</SPAN>代加工 </SPAN></SPAN></STRONG> 美润的原则:诚信,优质,双赢</SPAN></STRONG> Tel:086-531-89908858 13665318365 13688639801</SPAN></STRONG> QQ: 1119805886 QQ: 673909322</SPAN></STRONG> </SPAN> 英文版:</SPAN> Beauty is the total food distribution, embellish of 2008 September was renamed the specialized manufacture pure manual operation of the industry and commerce registration empty. Beauty embellish food will with excellent quality, sincere service, reasonable price, to serve every customer, Beauty embellish manual hollow fine production this process by decades of technicians more procedures, and its quality, A selected ingredients. Ed.) 1 the brine modulation good materials into flour 2. Beat in eggs - remove egg qing alternate with 2 3. Choose flour 3 awake 3. Make up four. 1 and 1 dish into the basin Article 2. 2) cut up 3. Rub 5 to 6. The rod.... 1 1 a rod on stem pits 2 the pits fermentation pits sealing mouth - 2 stretched - double-sided 3 second pit entry fermentation pits sealing mouth. - 7. Air basks in eight. Packing 1 take 1 - quantity section shelves 2 stretched - 2 air weighing 3 take pole - section 3 packaging - into boxes</SPAN> qualities of the central plains, the handicraft etc; pass by a few U.N.C. History has placed a palace treasures, its color is white, tender delicious, because many fermentation with and microporous, "stem straight," said zhongtong special tender digestible also comes from this. Long-term edible has the effect of physical soa. As people living standard improving, food industry trend of nature. This product contains no any additives, natural green food is tasted, pure natural gift of food quality, nutritional, lubrication, crisp delicious food is noodles in the best natural food. Green, nutrition, health is the pursuit of modern manufacture, but the requisite of the life, but in the banquet, holiday, filial piety, the best TanYou visit close fashion gift.</SPAN> Current market conditions: the surface with the existing hundreds of years history, but the gap is still at large supermarkets, the market without sales (origin) is a few supermarkets, some basic machine manufacture is all wet noodle, or hand lever is suitable for middle-aged edible. The well-known people, children's digestive system is a bit poor, young people face after eating machines, not easy to digest caused a lot of old people and children don't eat little or fine food. Most families chose to give them do some rice porridge, DanGeng chicken soup, etc, these also good, but are time consuming fire, fee. The fine is hollow from beginning to end three times or more, the fermentation affectation to solve the problem of heavy noodles, its taste is more than general dough to lubricate the noodles do, Like becoming steamed bread is better than the dough pancakes and long digestion, not to eat greasy, although it is a fine old products hollow, a new market, develop to the huge development space, Many businesses are looking for new business opportunities and varieties, actually, want to do more to choose the professional or do not do. Marketing way: 1. Large, medium and small supermarket, community supermarket 2 vegetable market 3 cereals wholesale market 4 fresh noodle shop 5 senile apartment, kindergarten, high-grade community 6 hospital nearby 7. The green food restaurant and hotel, etc Beauty can provide services: leap 1 original 2) provides the high quality for processing The principle of embellish beauty: sincerity, quality, win-win Tel: 086-531-8990 13665318365 be 13688639801 QQ: 1119805886 QQ: 673909322</SPAN> 阅读全文>> |
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